Published Aug 28, 2004
276 Posts
Anyone ever worked at a clinic for Native Americans (Indian Health Service)? What is it like to work there?
Genista, BSN, RN
811 Posts
Hi Betty-
I haven't worked in an IHS clinic, but there's a small thread on the public health board about it:
thank you
401 Posts
I worked as an agency nurse in the outpatient OB/GYN clinic at Gallup Indian Medical Center in Gallup, NM. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it is an eye opener to see just what kind of medical care the Indians are getting. If they have private insurance, their care is so much better in the private sector. The work is great, the Indians once they get your trust, are so much fun to work with. The artisans come to the medical center every pay day and set up their tables outside of the cafeteria to sell their goreous jewelry, pottery and rugs at a fraction of the cost you would get in the trading posts!!!!! :) :) :) :) Wished I could have gotten a permanent full time position there.
6 Posts
It depends from state to state and tribe to tribe. Im native american and i go to whats known as "Chapa De Indian Health" You see lots of people and not all are indian. One thing to know is that we arent "indian" were native americans, people do get rude about it so just a for warning. Its fun if you dont mind the normal stuff, when i was younger we sat in the waiting room and tried to count how many teeth the old man who always sat in the corner had, and to tell you the truth im 20 now and i still dont know. But yea you see kids who are underprivlaged and not cared for and then you see the total opposite side of the specturm where everyone is healthy and you have no worries. I hope i didnt scare ya but yea there is an insiders oppion of Natie American Health Services