If you could change on aspect of nursing.

Nurses General Nursing


If you could choose one aspect of nursing to change, what would it be? And Why?

to WeirdRN

wow...when i think of nurses, i don't think of any of the adjectives you mentioned - dumb? I think nurses are quite intelligent... when i think of nurses, i think intelligent, caring, committted, sensitive, nurturing...so please dont' everyone thinks of nurses this way!!! every surgery i ever had, it was the nurse who held my hand, looked me in eyes and gave me the reassurance i desperately needed!!! the nurse is the last face i see before surgery, and the first i see when i "come to"....

many people still have the highest respect for nurse professionals!! even i am not able to become one, nurses will be one of the professions i admire most!!! just wanted to share that with ya!!!

Specializes in CTICU, Interventional Cardiology, CCU.

I would like to see better staffing, less paper work b/c i spend more time charting then I do with my pt's and I think the hospital should give every nurse 10 boxes of pens 100 pens to a box as a a christmas bonus, RESPECT is a big one and not to be treated as an invalid by some people..ahem I think all nurses know who I am talking about..e.x. when you as the nurse spend more time with the pt. and know everything about the pt. and a certain person with a MD after their name sees the pt. for 5 seconds and barks orders at you, and you remind the MD that the pt. can't have certain Drugs, tx's ect b/c the pt. is allergic to this that or the other thing, or you as the NURSE suggest that the pt. should have CXR's, labs, or do you want to add this to the orders or make suggestions and have the MD say wow I never thought to do that, and do you have anymore suggestions..ahhhhh I am the Nurse ,YOU are the MD, who went to MED school for years and make alot more money and me the nurse who had all of a couple years of schooling and should be making the money you make b/c I take care of your pt's and if there are problems I make suggestions that you as the MD should have thought of in the first place with all of that schooling. We should also have massage therapists and chiropractors that come once a week during the days and late nights to alleviate stress and fatigue on our bodies b/c of all the lifting, walking, and stress we put on our bodies, i would also like to see nurses lounges that look like Dr.'s lounges. I would like to see Nurses recieve the pay they really deserve. I would like to see better communication when it comes to educational classes, and not being notified a few days before a class starts. I would like to see nurses recognized for their intelligence and how we can cram a few years of schooling to become an RN and know more than most people. I would like to see Nurses recognized for how much Pt. education they do on a daily basis b/c from personal and clinical experience pt's have said they learned more from their nurse then their DR. And to end my rant I would like to see Nurses recognized for all the b.s. we have to deal with!! As nurses we act as advocates, caregivers, housekeeping, unit clerks, companions, mechanics, psychologists, doormats (for everyone to wipe their feet on), guardian angels, social workers, family therapists, and last but not least the backbone of the healthcare system. Florence Nightengale was ONE woman who made radical changes at a time when nurses had little to no respect, and her ideas were laughed at and thought of as unecessary. She perservered, so if just one of us can do the same as she did. Her ideas were for the pt., well we need that same integrity and drive for change for Nurses and how we are treated..ok can u tell I worked a 14 hour night shift..hope this inspires someone!!..thanks..:monkeydance:*wine

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