IEN working in Nursing Home


Hello everyone. I'm Nurse currently working in a Nursing Home. I was educated in the Philippines. My current employer hired me and my wife by sponsoring us, so still I'm a temporary worker. We were nominated by the province to become permanent resident and my application is currently being processed .

I guess my question is, "will I have a hard time applying in the hospital" since my Nursing experience (Canadian experience) is mainly Nursing Home. I've been working here for 2 years now and the management have supported us and sends us to seminars and management workshop's to further enhance our management skill since RN's are supervisor' in the Nursing home setting. Me and my wife are still young and wanted to pursue working in the hospital and or move to a different province since the place were currently living is "very country living" Don't get me wrong ,I love this place but I still want to move to the city.

Should we stay here and wait until we retire from Nursing since 80% of my co -worker are retiring soon. more opportunity for me to go up the ladder.(ie: Director of Nursing) that would Great!!!!

Please advice me on this... I don't Hate my Job, in fact I love my job so much. I guess Nursing is Nursing. I just don't want to miss out on anything, still want to work in the Hospital but I also don't want to regret it if I leave the company I'm in now..really confused!

Thank you all

Proud to be Filipino-Canadian Nurse......... ey! :jester:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

A lot will depend on the province you are working in and also what the job situation is like in the area you live. But also check your TWP because that may have restrictions on where you work, the primary TWP holder is usually limited to where they can work until PR is sorted. If your TWP is open you could consider working as a casual at the hospital and pick shifts up

I hope you don't mind me asking you a question: was it really hard to get a sponsor to get a job in Canada? did you find your sponsor when you were in the Phillipines or in Canada?

I just want to get some answers to know if it is not as hard as they say to get a job as a nurse in Canada.

Thank you.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
I hope you don't mind me asking you a question: was it really hard to get a sponsor to get a job in Canada? did you find your sponsor when you were in the Phillipines or in Canada?

I just want to get some answers to know if it is not as hard as they say to get a job as a nurse in Canada.

Thank you.

This question isn't something that the average Canadian nurse will be able to answer, because Canadian nurses don't require sponsorship to obtain work. This forum is directed toward Canadian nursing issues, and your query relates more to immigration-type issues. Because you've asked it of vincnet777 on a thread that isn't specifically related to immigration issues, it may stay here. But please, any future queries that have anything to do with what-when-where-why-how-to-come-to-Canada-as-a-nurse must be posted in the International forum.

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