Published May 1, 2008
4 Posts
im planning to take ielts next month, im thinkin of where to review.
can anybody here in manila help me, id appreciate it a lot
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Best place and with the most passers is
You can do it on the internet and they have native speakers, that is the most important part of it and very few centers in Manila have native speakers.
52 Posts
I agree with Suzannne4, just received my IELTS results today and found out I passed!!!I used scottsenglish online for a month. I believe the techniques were really helpful ...good luck !!!
12 Posts
How about trying Niner Review? I can't vouch for it personally but my girlfriend reviewed there and it seemed to help her improve her band score.
Glad to hear that it worked for you.
2 Posts
hi there, im a newbie here.. im also planning to undergo ielts review.. i happend to see uhm.. is it rily gud.. is it safe to enrol there considering il be using my credit card to enrol in their online course review.. pls help me.. thanks is very well known around the world. They are based out of Sydney and do an excellent job and their fees are quite reasonable and they use native speakers which is something that is extremely important. It is okay to use a credit card with them.
But can we ask that you do use proper English when posting here and not text messaging as it gets confusing for other internationa nurses whose primary language is not English. And since you are wishing to prepare for the IELTS, then this is an excellent place for you to practice what you are going to need to be able to do to pass that exam.
Best of luck to you.