Published Nov 14, 2005
1,093 Posts
i am 38 wks pregnant (first pregnancy)- lost my mucous plug and had a bloody show this past friday...
started last pm w/ contractions q 5 min that are more severe than my previous BH contractions but tolerable
was checked at 0300 this am and was still 1.5cm and 80% effaced - so no add'l cervical changes w/ all these contractions
contractions continue to be regular and constant - but not worsening to the point of significant discomfort (which is what i was told to wait for to come back)
any ideas on how long this will go on?!?! i am ready for this to just happen already... ugh..
thanks for any insight
226 Posts
My daughter did the same thing with her first pregnancy. Ended up after 2 days having to go in and have delivery augmented (pitocin IV) to get her over the hump. After a little pitocin, she delivered quickly and easily (6 hrs from admission to delivery, no epidural and an intact perineum)!
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Took me three days:rolleyes: and those stinkers hurt. Soon. It will happen soon
Dayray, RN
700 Posts
What I tell people is this:
You go to the hospital (instead of delivering at home) for 2 reasons.
1# pain control - go to the hospital if you need pain meds (sure some people would take them as soon as they can but most likely you wont be ready for them until you NEED them)
2# for safety - go to the hospital if something scary happens i.e. frank bleeding, decreased fetal movement, or anything else that might be dangers. Also even though it's not dangerous go to the hospital if your water breaks, especially if your GBS positive.
Failing those one of those 2 things happening you should go when contx are Q3 and painful for an hour or more.
If you go to soon it can cause more interventions and heck who wants to be there longer then you need too. Also call your doc or L&D (what ever they instruct you to do) before you leave.
Unfortunately the time it takes to deliver from where you are can vary widely. I've seen people linger there for a long time others a few minutes or hours. Sometimes it stops and comes back
Keep moving, take breaks lying of your side. Do light housework or set up your nursery. Take short walks, have intercourse, make sure you keep drinking water.
thank you all - made my husband do his husbandly duties - and they are starting to escalate - we'll see if it lasts.
i am sure i will want to shoot myself in the foot for wishing it to come when the pain starts...LOL