Published Sep 4, 2008
3 Posts
I am in the process of updating my resume and I know all ICU's are different but for the most part they are pretty similiar. That being said, does anyone have any suggestions as to what to include in my job description. Anyhelp would be very appreciated
805 Posts
I don't understand your question. Your profile says that you are a nursing student, but maybe you have just not updated it. In any case for your resume job description you just need to describe what you have done and are responsible for in your past jobs. Descriptions of job responsibilities of others should not be in yours.
5 Posts
Are you a student? Or a nurse?
Either way, if you have not worked in Critical Care before, my best suggestion to you is to start by making a list of all of your skills and experience. (Not what classes you took, but what skills you possess out of the realm of standard nursing assessment and practice.)
Ie: CRRT, Balloon pump, Hemodynamic monitoring, ICP drain placement and management, assistance with central line insertion, etc.
You want to highlight your CRITICAL CARE skills...not your nursing skills. And no, not all ICUs are the same. Some are very generalized, taking medical, surgical, and cardiac patients, and some are very specialized (ie: CVICU, multi-trauma ICU etc).
Make that list, then decide how best to format it to your resume.
You want them to know that you are competant to learn the skills you do not yet posess, and able to be independent in performing the ones that you do.
Hope that helps.
I am an ICU nurse and I am in the process of applying to CRNA school and wanted to know exactly what I should put in my resume, what these programs are most intersted in seeing and examples of how other nurses listed their job descriptions in their resume. thanks for the help
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
Might be worth asking in the pre-CRNA forum.