Published Sep 26, 2012
jensfbay, BSN, DNP
118 Posts
1. I currently live and work in the SF bay area and get paid a little over $50/hour. How much pay cut should I expect? I have 5 years experience. I plan on working in Seattle.
2. Any thoughts on which hospitals to apply? VA? Harborview? Which ones have strong union?
3. What is the maximum ICU ratio for RNs there?
4. How does the RN license reciprocity work?
5. How competitive is it for experienced nurses?
Thanks in advance
Mavrick, BSN, RN
1,578 Posts
Swedish Medical Center in Seattle is the "Big Dog" here is their current RN contract Wage rates on page 31. All the hospitals are Union, either SEIU1199 or WSNA. Acute care ICU ratios are typically 1:2. Step down can be 1:3 or 1:4. To obtain license by endorsement
I LOVE Washington. Currently in KC to take care of wife/family but am counting the months to when I can move back. I've noticed the job offerings are getting more numerous. Good luck to you.