Published Feb 10, 2010
20 Posts
Hi I was wondering how does the whole physical go for school.Do u go to the school's doctor or can u use your own.Also is it just a basic physical or does it involve...female pap smear also how do the labs work like for HIV HEPATITIS ETC.... do they mail your physical report and lab results to the school or do you return it.Please help me get rid of some of my jitters.Also how long does it take to know if you are clear for the physical btw i'm attending a private school.
Da_Milk_of_Amnesia, MSN
514 Posts
Also is it just a basic physical or does it involve...female pap smear also how do the labs work like for HIV HEPATITIS ETC..
- Obviously just by the way you stated that, it sounds like you, or someone your close with has the aforementioned diseases and you're scared if getting barred from nursing school?
- Well I'm not an admissions expert but i do not believe they can do that, wouldn't that technically be discrimination?
But to answer your question, I never had to submit to an HIV/AIDS or Hep test with out my knowledge. It's a regular physical, they make sure you aren't gonna drop dead from rolling over a 400 obese person. So you can relax.
no i don't have any diseases that i know of.I'm just they don't check ur blood ?
Yes, most schools check certain titers. So you will have some blood drawn, but nothing extensive, they aren't doing LFTs, a CBC, CMP or anything like that so relax..Don't like needles? It's not that bad. If ur gonna be giving them you gotta man up and take one.
Thank u
214 Posts
Mine was no big deal...a quick physical. I don't remember labs being required as long as vaccines were up to date. Every school has different requirements. Usually, it is spelled out in the admissions paperwork what they want. You'll have to have a form filled out by your practitioner or doctor. Nothing to it!
and a TB skin test
28 Posts
I just had mine done on monday. It was a quick physical assessment but I had to get titers drawn. The titers for Hep B and Varicella (Chickenpox) were mandatory even if you had vaccination records for them. I also was checked for MMR, polio, and had TB test. Also, if your tetnus shot isn't up-to-date you have to get one of those. I kinda waited to the last minute though cuz I new from working in the hospital that I was up-to-date with everything. (I start March 1st)
congrats.I start in may.Good luck and study hard.
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
My physical was done by my physician. I had to prove I had certain immunizations and/or the actual disease (ie:MMR, Chicken Pox etc) and I had to have a TB test and an undated tetnus shot. Other than that, there was no blood draws for anything.