Published Jun 27, 2011
27 Posts
Hi everyone,
I am a new grad nurse who has been working on an ortho/med-surg floor for about 6 months now. I almost can't wait to go back to school because I have always had lots of interest in psych since my senior year of high school. I am currently looking into schools now for Psych NP programs because I would like to start in Fall 2012. For any psych NPs out there, can you please describe a typical work day for you? I want to know what this role is REALLY like. Also, I have received advice that it would be good for me to volunteer in a psych facility before beginning school. Does this sound like a good idea? To all of the psych nurses out there, I would appreciate ALL advice on how to prepare for this transition. Thank you!
Bee_home care
17 Posts
I would suggest psych nursing experience first, before even applying to psych NP schools. I would highly recommend this because you will find out if you really like psych nursing before spending lots of time and money on a degree you don't want to use.
I am a psych home care nurse and love it and don't want to be an NP because I don't want the responsibilities of prescribing.
1,381 Posts
Yes, get experience first. Having an interest in psych issues does not always translate into getting satisfaction from the psych nurse role. You could love it, but best to work in it first to make sure.
Thank you both! I appreciate the input!
160 Posts
Psych. nursing experience is INVALUABLE both in deciding if this path is right for you and also to build a knowledge base that will serve you well as an NP in psych. The more experience in different psych. settings, the better. I think that is the very best advice. Best of luck!:)
NPvampire, MSN, RN, APRN
172 Posts
Yes, get experience first, even if it's just PRN. You may love or hate it depending on your actual working experience--which is usually more dramatic than the protected student clinicals.