I am trying not to give up! I gotta keep pushing! You ever feel like this?


I started out at a community college and did not pass the math portion of the entrance exam. Ok, so 4 math classes later and repeat of 4 classes I am breathing a little better. I took the TEAS test 2x and did not score as high as I need it to be. I am trying not to give up. I had so many credits and my microbiology teacher pulled me aside and told me that it would be in my best interest to get my BSN.

So, I did get accepted in a PreNursing Program @ a University. I am so happy. I went down to see the Nursing Dept. advisor. Well, it went well. She said, "You need to get all A's no C's. Plus, get your TEAS scores up. Then you can apply, but you must get your GPA up (3.6)." It has now become real to me. But I am scared and worried. I know I could make all A's but with 4 classes. How in the heck am I going to do that, can I do that? None of my friends can understand what is on my mind. I want to be a RN. I am pushing. I will not give up. I guess this will prepare my for the course load when I do get in the program. I am just thankful that I did get accepted. I am so thankful. I need some advice on this venture in my life. I know I can't give up! I NEED ADVICE!

So many times I wanted to give up. I didn't think I could go on. Somedays I felt stupid. I have post-it notes at my desk that say, "please don't give up." I live in Oregon, it is pretty much a war zone trying to get into an RN program. I had C's in A&P so that pretty much screwed me. I knew I wanted to be a nurse though. I decided to go the LPN route and I was able to get into a program. While in the program man everything was so fast paced. You had to keep all your grades way up or you would fail the class and have to waite six months before you could retake the class. Not only did you have to retake that class...but have to redo all the classes you had to take in that term even if you had passed them.

That was my motivation to keep studying. I've had no life this last year. When summer finally came and I got a chance to go out and enjoy it...fall came. Through out nursing school I made honor roll the whole time. My lowest grade was a B. I am not stopping at LPN. I'm going to get into a bridge program.

Try not to be super hard on yourself the whole time. If you fail a quiz, it isn't the end of the world. Don't add extra pressure on yourself because you will learn from that quiz and do better the next time. Now that this is all becoming real to you I think you will be able to find that inner strength inside yourself to do whatever it takes to study and get your grades up for the TEAS. I'm missing a few classes before I can get into my bridge program so I am going back to the community college this winter. I also plan to take the TEAS either next summer or fall.

Specializes in School Nursing.
I started out at a community college and did not pass the math portion of the entrance exam. Ok, so 4 math classes later and repeat of 4 classes I am breathing a little better. I took the TEAS test 2x and did not score as high as I need it to be. I am trying not to give up. I had so many credits and my microbiology teacher pulled me aside and told me that it would be in my best interest to get my BSN.

So, I did get accepted in a PreNursing Program @ a University. I am so happy. I went down to see the Nursing Dept. advisor. Well, it went well. She said, "You need to get all A's no C's. Plus, get your TEAS scores up. Then you can apply, but you must get your GPA up (3.6)." It has now become real to me. But I am scared and worried. I know I could make all A's but with 4 classes. How in the heck am I going to do that, can I do that? None of my friends can understand what is on my mind. I want to be a RN. I am pushing. I will not give up. I guess this will prepare my for the course load when I do get in the program. I am just thankful that I did get accepted. I am so thankful. I need some advice on this venture in my life. I know I can't give up! I NEED ADVICE!

You need As in 4 classes? Absolutely, it's possible! Work hard, even break them up into two semesters if need be. You'll do great.

It's doable and don't give up. Congrats on your acceptance.

I am in the same boat! I have 4 more prerequisites to take and I'm hoping to apply to the Fall 2012 program. I too am wondering how I will make all A's but I am going to do my best and keep trying if I mess up. I'm having to repeat Anatomy and Physiology 1, because I got a C in it and I really want an A (although a B will suffice). I have been really down in the dumps about having to repeat a class :( makes me feel so far away from Nursing school. But we both can do it! We just have to stay motivated! Coming on allnurses.com helps motivate me.

I mean I need a full time status. the advisor told me to take the next 2 semester to get my grade point up...i am just worried.

:yeah:yes, we can do it. i still have some more class to go until i can get into the program bsn, but i need to take for classes in the spring. at the adn level i have everything. it is funny that when you get to the university level they have req. courses that you must take there!! so that is what i am going through.

we just have to do a time sched. for the study time. it will all fall into place when i see the tutor and ask for help!! we can do it!!

i am in the same boat! i have 4 more prerequisites to take and i'm hoping to apply to the fall 2012 program. i too am wondering how i will make all a's but i am going to do my best and keep trying if i mess up. i'm having to repeat anatomy and physiology 1, because i got a c in it and i really want an a (although a b will suffice). i have been really down in the dumps about having to repeat a class :( makes me feel so far away from nursing school. but we both can do it! we just have to stay motivated! coming on allnurses.com helps motivate me.
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