I think I'm gonna get my first write up

Nurses General Nursing


This turned out to be a lot longer than I'd planned, but I'm a little freaked out.

Our unit (L&D) has a 5 visitor policy, but it's 'up to the nurse's discretion'. Fine, I can come on shift, be the *mean nurse* and clear out the 6 extra people in my room. When they policy was made, we were told to ask them once and then call security instead of getting into a war of the wills. For safety and privacy of other patients, family members are not allowed to be hanging out in the hallway waiting to hear baby cry. They've either got to be in the room with mom or in the waiting room.

So, the other night at work the room next to mine had 3-6 people hanging in the hall all night. They'd been asked to leave at least twice, but came right back. I had to *excuse me* through the crowd to get into my room with heart tones down, as did the other 3 nurses who came in to help. After everything was good, the others were leaving and I could still hear the party going on in the hall, I lost my patience and called security. I told the dispatcher they were hanging out in the hallway, had been asked to leave but came right back and could the guard just ask them to go to the waiting room.... thinking that he could just walk down to the room, explain to them the policy and have them head out to the waiting area. Soooooooo not what happened. He walked back and forth between the nurses stations a couple times (down the hall right in front of the group) and was still there when I had to push my way through the crowd to get to the desk. He was a little testy, all "what do you want me to do?" I said clear the hall, they've been asked to leave and keep congregating outside the room. They either need to be in the room or out in the waiting room because it's a safety issue (in case we have to run a bed back for a crash c/s) and a HUGE privacy violation (because they were all in the hall and got a front row seat to my patient in hands & knees with her bum in the air when doc walked in and left the door wide open) I don't know what he said, but they all left.

That patient had been pushing for a long while, and was taken back for a c/s for arrest of descent. The family wasn't notified, so when one of them came back to check on her progress and she wasn't in the room... the crap hit the fan. Understandably, and I feel bad they weren't made aware of the situation. I would be really upset too. So, after they find out she's in the OR, and get the scoop that it wasn't a stat case, they come back to the desk, ask to speak to me and my coworker (who had cleared them the first 2 times) and read us the riot act. I know *KNOW* there's gonna be a complaint letter written. And now, that I don't have heart tones down and I can look back, I screwed up. I know it. I didn't call my charge before security (not that we have to, but I'm sure that'll be the issue) because she's pretty passive when it comes to visitors, and they weren't listening to us lowly nurses anyway. And what makes it better? One of the visitors is a nurse, in our building...:banghead:

Any suggestions for getting through the "you messed up" meeting? I've never been called to the principals office before and I just know I'm gonna:uhoh3:

Specializes in ICU.

Not to mention how disruptive for the other moms in labor. I would be mad if a "party" was going on in the hall near my room while I was in labor and in pain. Might want to say something about customer service for the other customers on the unit.

Specializes in ER.

stand behind what you did and said. You were right. Period. Who cares if they complain? What if one of those wayward people stole a baby during all of that distraction? And not to mention noise that I'm sure even if they were quiet, that could disturb those PATIENTS. They were visitors, not the woman laboring. You were correct. Who cares if the ca ca hits the fan. Stand firm on that.

Specializes in ER.

Babies come out the lady parts!!!

If you don't want to see a lady parts!!!!

Then don't come into the room titled "labor and delivery"!!!

If you ever find your self standing in a room titled "labor and delivery" and a nurse asks you to leave and you don't......don't be supprised if you see a lady parts!

my 2 cents


Specializes in ER.

also to add: security, in my ER environment, often doesn't understand WHY we call them - and frankly, I don't care if they don't understand. They often try to walk away, thinking (in their minds) that their job is done. No no, uh uh. I will tell them when the coast is clear. I tell them what I need them to do and they need to do it. Without attitude or understanding why. I am the nurse, and it is not their job or responsibility to question why I need security or IF it's needed or not. :banghead:

I don't see that you did anything wrong, in fact I would stress patient SAFETY & HIPAA as reasons to clear the hallway. I don't understand this trend of having grandparents/step parents/cousins/neighbors/the guy from the local deli (kidding!) etc. etc. etc. present for a birth!! And who wants all those people passing around the newborn?? I for one am sick & tired of visitors & patients acting like spoiled 2 yr olds making ridiculous demands & reporting nurses for DOING THEIR JOBS!-- look how much time & energy was wasted on these people!! Don't we have enough to do w/out the crowd control? Are people really that IGNORANT now? I just love getting a new admit and having to ask the family of the other patient to GET OFF THE BED too!! or the visitors who sit by the bedside w/laptops & talking on cellphones like they're in their office!

OK........ I need to stop this........

& that security guard would make me feel VERY insecure! What a wuss!!

Specializes in NA, Stepdown, L&D, Trauma ICU, ER.

Thanks for all the support guys! It'll definately help when/if the letter comes through. I had convinced myself that I'd overreacted, but now? I was doing the right thing, for my patient and the one they were congregating for. It was a HUGE privacy issue for my patient, and an even bigger safety issue. My heart tones had been iffy all night, and they were blocking the door to a mom who'd been pushing for well over 2 hours. Babies get tired of that sometimes... and they hadn't cleared out when the trail of nurses ran to my room. They most likely would only huddle closer if the same thing happened in theirs, leading to someone getting smooshed if she needed to be run back for a crash c/s.

I guess I just needed to bounce the events some non-partial folks to get my head straight, reinforce that I hadn't done anything crazy and mean...

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