I think my friend failed....


Specializes in med-surg, L&D.

My friend and I studied a lot together for the NCLEX RN. I took my exam 2 weeks earlier than she did (passed). I found the licensing website for the state for her and noted that some of the people that took the test with her at the same site on the same day and time were listed with their license numbers. Hers however was not. It has now been 3 days since she has taken the test and she will not return our phone calls (from myself and mutual friends who graduated with her--which she said would happen if she failed). She studied so much and she was so dedicated. I really want to know what I can do to help her get through this. Should I give her a while to deal with this on her own? Should I keep calling? Any advice???

By the way, she had 75 questions, and a ton of select all that apply (but they were about meds).

She is really going to need your support. If I were you, I would show up with a coupla chick flicks, some chocolate, some Haagen Dazs and popcorn. She must be feeling terrible, and I know you feel badly for her. She really needs her friends right now.

Specializes in Trauma/Stepdown, CCU.

I'd just give her a couple days. A few of my friends had taken the exam the day after I did.. so when I saw their results.. and mine was still not posted, I knew that I had failed. And, like your friend.. I did not answer my phone. haha. Partly, because I couldn't talk about it without crying yet. I was happy for them, but it took awhile for me to accept. So, just give her a day or two to recoup and get herself together.. then call and see how she's doing. I took my test on a tuesday and didn't start answering my phone until thurs night and friday. But.. anyway, that was just how I felt. =)

Specializes in med-surg, L&D.

Thank you for your advice. She studied so hard and even lost a lot of weight on her already thin frame. I feel so horrible for her and when she's ready to talk we're going to be there for her. We'll even take her out. I know I would've felt exactly the same way if I were in her shoes and it's just....sad.

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