I am studying in florida for my bachelor in nursing, but I'm an international student


Hi, this is the first time I use this. I recurred to this system since I have not been able to get much help from my teachers or international student services in my school.

I am currently a full time student in Florida International University in miami. I am going to graduate in spring 2012 with my nursing bachelor if everything goes as planned.

My worries are that as a international student I don't know what my chances are of finding a job in the United States. I keep hearing hospitals are not petitioning any more foreign nurses, however I did all my university studies in the United States. I don't have US residency, I am still studying, and I am willing to go beyond florida for a job.

Is there any recommendations on what path should I take to open doors on my jod search?

I think first you would have to work on getting a work Visa. I am not sure. That may be a question better directed toward the HR department of your local hospital or possibly your nursing advisor.

Work visas usually require 2 years experience in a specialty, and the person is usually certified in that field. For example an orthopedic nurse has to have documentation of working on an orthopedic floor for a minimum of 2 years before the nurse is allowed to apply for certification in that field. So therefore the original poster wouldn't qualify for a work visa.

Most international students can apply for OPT to keep them here a bit longer but they would have to find an employer willing to train them, and with the way the economy is right now it doesn't look good for all nursing graduates all around.

It doesn't matter if you did all of your nursing studies in the US, if you don't have the proper visa then you can't work or live here legally. You must contact the international student advisor to get more information. I understand you're having issues with them at the moment but they are your best source for information. Good Luck

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Studying in the US means nothing, usually as a student it is expected to be returning to their home country. As mentioned you can apply for OPT but needs applying for at least 6 months before graduating, it can not be applied for once you have graduated. Work visa is a specialist visa and not many hospitals employ nurses via this route, other route is immigrant visa and currently nurses are affected and have been since Oct 2006 and means a long long wait and you can not stay in the US and work whilst waiting.

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