Published Dec 31, 2011
8 Posts
Alright, glad to get that out of the way.
I guess this is a little vent. I just need some positive words from understanding people!
I am not perfect. I triple check everything I do, I work hard, I do not take any breaks despite lunch automatically coming out of my check. But in the end.. I'm not perfect and there is one person who seems to enjoy reminding me.
This person has written me up at least 6 times in the last year. I've only been a nurse for a year, and she is the only person who has ever written me up. It's mostly over stuff that didn't not effect a patient in any way. For example, not filling out an Incident Report to her liking (even though the way she likes them written is incorrect, and since the meeting with corporate on how to write an Incident Report last month she has not come to me once about how I've written one, despite writing me up twice for doing it "wrong" in the past) I sometimes feel like she targets me.
Despite the fact that she writes me up constantly, always pulls me aside to "talk" to me (at least once a week) about how I charted something wrong (even though I've only ever charted the way I was "taught" in orientation), should have done this instead of this, etc.. this nurse makes mistakes on a daily basis.
Her charting for one looks like she is in fourth grade, she misspells simple words constantly. She is loud and says "ain't" a lot and it makes her look unprofessional. I have found orders she has taken off that she neglected to actually put in the MAR more than once; Or she put them in the MAR incorrectly. She has written a Tx order for a wound so vaguely if the nurse didn't have the patient regularly they wouldn't have a clue what they were suppose to do.
In short, this person is far from perfect, just like me! But she is in a managment position. So I can't write her up or dicipline her for her mistakes. I can only pass along the fix + inform the DON, but they have been friends for over 5 years and the DON promoted her to the positon herself, so.....
I'm not perfect, she's not perfect, no one is perfect!!!!
Argh! Thanks for listening. Thanks for the advice. Thanks for the positive words I desperately need!
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Doesn't it just fry your nose to have to work with people like that? I've run across too many of them in my long career. It's hard to ignore them, especially if they are management, but you have to try. She sounds like one of those people who needs to belittle people to make herself feel better. If you truly feel that her sloppy practice might endanger a resident and you can't go to the DON, try speaking to the Administrator. Or if your company has a hotline you could call that.Have you tried speaking to her to see if she has a problem with you personally? Maybe she's clueless and doesn't know the right way to do things so she writes you up. Have you spoken to the Staff Development Coordinator? You could tell her that this person is telling you that your notes aren't written correctly and could she review the P&P with you Don't let her get to you....I know, easy for me to say, but if YOU know you're a good nurse, keep doing what you've been doing and ignore her.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Yeah, CCM has it down, except for one thing. Sounds as if the DON is aware of this, hence nothing has come from your write-ups. I would save going to the admin for if you really need to go over the DON's head. JME that going over your boss's head never goes over well.
45 Posts
Very well said! I think you are on the right track. You aren't perfect, and this person (for whatever reason) has selected you as her punching bag. Just remember, these type of people are very insecure. They can only feel good about themselves if they're tearing someone else down. Unfortunately, that someone else is you.
It sounds as though you are in a losing situation, given the tight relationship between your evil manager and the DON. Unless you have the stomach to continue working under these conditions, I would consider looking for another job. You said you've been there a year, which is plenty of time as far as any future employers are concerned. Just don't give your notice at this job until you have everything in place at a new position.
Good luck to you!