I passed stats!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I took an 8 week online stats course and was so nervous about it but... I PASSED!!!!

Not only did I pass but I got a 99% in the class! I am so ecstatic! This is the class that I was dreading and truly thought it would be the hardest of all my classes but it wasn't all that bad.

I just wanted to share my good news with all of you :)

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Holy moly! Congratulations! I am dreading having to take it again. I dropped it when I took it the first time because it was allll online & even the help was online. I hope my second go around will be as great as yours! :)

Thank you! I really liked it online. My professor was amazing and set up the class so it was incredibly easy to understand. We used a program called SPSS to do all our labs (it did most the calculations for us) and we just had to interpret and write up the results of whatever study we where looking at :)

Holy moly! Congratulations! I am dreading having to take it again. I dropped it when I took it the first time because it was allll online & even the help was online. I hope my second go around will be as great as yours! :)
Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Thank you! I really liked it online. My professor was amazing and set up the class so it was incredibly easy to understand. We used a program called SPSS to do all our labs (it did most the calculations for us) and we just had to interpret and write up the results of whatever study we where looking at :)

Ahh, we used mystatslab & had to do all the calculations & stuff. I'm terrible at math so trying to figure out how to plug it in the calculator (with no one there to help) was torture! >.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Congrats! I remember taking Stats last semester and was so nervous, because math hasn't always been my greatest subject. I passed with flying colors thanks to having a great professor!

Best of luck in the rest of your classes :)

Woop Woop! That's how it's going for my college algebra class. I think I was so terrified of it that I've made sure to do my best and it's paid off! Sounds like it paid off for you as well! Congrats!

Congratulations!! :cool:

Congrats.. Stats was the spawn of the devil as far as I was concerned when I took it!

Specializes in ER / Critical Care.

I'm taking Stats right now... online. Our instructor has changed back and forth 4 times- quite annoying! One instructor does NOT allow graphing calculators at all, and the other instructor not only allows, but recommends we use one! 6 weeks to go.... I hope I pass too!!

CONGRATS on the 99!! That's awesome :)

Oh, do y'all have to do vocabulary definitions on your exams? We DO! It just seems odd to me that we have to memorize all the formulas AND all the vocabulary for a MATH class :/ (clearly I'm unimpressed LOL)

Specializes in Cardicac Neuro Telemetry.

That's awesome!!!!!! Congratulations! :up:

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