Published Jun 17, 2015
330 Posts
I am so happy I have to share. After a difficult and rough quarter. I passed Statistics with a 3.3!:) Yeah, I am so happy I got this done the first time!! Any questions about Statistics bring them my way. lol!
55 Posts
First off cograts!!! Just wondering, is this an elementary stats, behavioral stats, or some other type of stats? I am currently at a community college where my requirement says I must take elementary stats, however, the university I will be transferring to requires behavioral science stats. I have been avoiding stats for a couple semesters now. Do you have any study tips? Really, any advice is helpful!
Thank you so much. I took introduction to statistics which covered random samples, histograms, bar graphs, and circle graphs. It also covered central tendency: mode,median, and mean. We studied about percentiles and box-and-whisker plots. Also probability and hypothesis testing. I made sure to sit in the front of the class during professor's lectures and I asked questions as I had them. This drove some classmates crazy but I did it anyway. I also stayed after class and spoke with professor about any problems I did not understand. I wish I would of took advantage of his office hours too.
But I did go to the tutoring center every chance I got and I worked with the tutors there. The concepts in statistics build on each other so its important to understand the concept completely before you could move on the next section. I also made sure to be at each lecture and take all notes. It is important to do all homework and practice, practice, practice the problems. I made sure to memorize the formulas that were used.
I also received help from three other students in the class. What helped me most for the final was I went over previous quizzes and exams and saw what I messed up on and learned from my mistakes. But I don't know if all professors give back previous quizzes and exams but this helped me. It was a challenge for me because I am awful in math, but I put in the time and effort and it paid off. You really have to get in knee deep (so to speak) to reap the reward, a decent grade. Good luck and go for it!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I am always urging students to take Stats in a classroom setting with a very qualified instructor who is able to provide additional support when you need it - it makes all the difference. Intro Statistics online is a really bad idea for students without a strong math background.
You've slain the dragon - there's nothing you can't do.
Yes I did have a very thorough and well qualified Instructor. This did make a huge impact on my learning the information.
182 Posts
congratulations! I'm taking Elementary Statistics in a 6 week course. Any advice? What tools did you use at your disposal? My class is a hybrid class. Part of it is online through pearson.
The textbook we did our homework from was very useful, Understandable Statistics, Concepts and Methods by Brase,Brase, 10th Edition. I found doing the homework and practicing the problems over and over again helpful. I'm not sure what specific concepts you will cover in your Elementary Statistics course but this textbook is well written and very helpful, and will more than likely cover information you will see in Elementary Statistics. I did not use any online websites or online coursework for my class. All the information was from the textbook, listed above and lecture notes from the Instructor.
LovelyLocs, ASN, BSN, RN
122 Posts
Thank you very much.
30 Posts
Congratulations! I'm thinking about taking it next semester with a&p and some fluff classes. Would you recommend it? Or should I take it in the summer? How much time did you spend studying for it after class? I took college algebra with review last semester and I found it to be okay. I passed with a B. Is it more difficult than algebra?
Hi Jarae,
I took Statistics with Microbiology and I struggled because I am not that good in math. I found Statistics more interesting than Algebra. It involved hypothesis and also probability. Statistics does involve using formulas like Algebra. I studied approximately 2 hours a day for Statistics. I think you could take Statistics with a&p but I don't know about other fluff classes. Much success to you!
frenchtoastwaffles, BSN, RN
306 Posts
Statistics was the bane of my existence. Cheers to both of us for surviving ðŸ˜
Someone asked what helps: khanacademy! My professor meant well but I hate to say that she wasn't a good instructor. She obviously is qualified and knows her stuff. She didn't know how to articulate it to a class of students without a clue, though. Khan academy.
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