I need to vent :(

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all... Well here it goes :unsure:

So I graduated Aug 2014, began working in my local NICU Nov 2014. Ive wanted to work in NICU all throughout nursing school and I was beyond happy to get this position, especially as a new grad. However I am so bummed that this is NOTHING how I imagined nursing to be. I feel under appreciated. The doctors talk to me so crappy. I feel like I dont know anything since I have no experience in NICU and didnt exactly cover ill newborns in nursing school. I dread going to work some days and even on my off days all I can think about is how I dont want to go back to work. I feel such a negativity energy at my place of work and I cant handle that! I feel like your coworkers/work environment can make or break job satisfactory. Its just really overwhelming most times. I feel so frustrated that I went to school 5yrs to become a bsn rn and this is the pay off? To have my bubble bursted and not enjoy this dream job that I thought I would so much is such a downer for me. However it isnt all bad. The one aspect of my job I do enjoy is educating the parents on how to care for their little one. LOVE it! I am considering job areas that would allow me to focus on educating new moms on care of their infant such as safe sleep, nutrition/breastfeeding, immunizations, etc. Is there a position specifically tailored to this? Although this is still new Im extremely frustrated and want something different.. Any thoughts? Advice? I know that was a lot but Im so frustrated and dont want to vent to family and have them dissapointed in me for feeling like a failure.

#NurseB- I agree being a new grad is very frustrating at times. I cant wait to feel confident in what I am doing and actually have the experience to draw from when making decisions. Good luck to you as a new nurse as well & thanks for responding :)

Danielle2000- I think the intensity of it is overwhelming for me. & feeling like I dont have time to get everything done. I always find myself not being able to spend as much time with a family before being interrupted. Thats a lot of the reason why I thought of working in a clinic that helps new moms/infants although Im still trying to find those in my area. Being able to see people during a certain time slot and not feeling as though I am rushing throughout my entire shift.. I think the clinic setting would be a better fit for me, Im keeping my eyes open for something along those lines for sure.

Gacna- Wow thats something I hadnt even considered!! I didnt even know that was an option. Thanks for sharing that I appreciate it!!!

OMG I could've written this myself. I too am a new grad but where I live the only real jobs are in Nursing homes (hard to get a floor job) or on Rehab units (where the ration has been 17 SICK patients and one nurse, ME YIKES) I've read quite a few of your responses and as a new grad and new nurse here are my thoughts.

Although you have only been a nurse for 27 seconds thanks to a gut check NICU may NOT be for you and that is ok.

As a nurse there are a zillion things, jobs, you CAN do. Lactation consultant maybe awesome for you...what about a maternity nurse?? Or even post maternity?? NICU is a HUGE HIGH stress, I can't imagine being a new grad in that job. Good for you that you have been there this long!

If you decide to change, you are not a quitter, you tried it and it just wasn't for you...and that is ok.

I will also say this, although I too have been a nurse for 27 seconds I have worked in hospitals for many years, you need thick skin, and a bathroom or car to cry in on a bad day. And you will have them. But you can do this!! There are other opportunities for you this may just not be t he one for you right now...GOOD LUCK!!!

Well said bigmamma.

There are many good reasons why 80% of new grads quit their first job within 6 months, lol.....a stat from an old, crotchety nursing instructor meant to warn us about what lay ahead for the graduates.

I'm transferring now after putting in my 6 months.

LOL, thanks Brujacakes...I've been at my job four months Feb 28 and am looking for a new job...either I am gonna hit the six month mark or I'm gonna run out the door (hopefully very soon) good luck in your search! We are both gonna need it, it's TOUGH out there :)

I've been working as an RN for just over a year. When I was sitting in orientation I was told "it will take 6 months to feel like you have your head above water"... AKA I expected to feel like I was drowning for the first 6 months I was working. This was ABSOLUTELY true for me. Being a nurse is nothing like it is in school - you're responsible for your patients, catching any changes, and making sure you delegate appropriately. That's very stressful!

My best advice is find an experienced nurse on your floor (or a few) that you can ask questions to when you aren't sure what to do. AND make sure you're looking things up and reading when you encounter something new that you don't know about. The worst and most dangerous thing you can do is not ask questions or be afraid to look "stupid" (I'm sure you're not since you're a NICU nurse). Keep learning and keep your chin up.

It gets better :)

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's always tough the first couple yeas after graduation. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be a new grad in a NICU!

NICU would be heard even for a seasoned nurse! Maybe you need a couple years of experience on a messing floor to get you confidence up! Just an idea

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! So many posters suggesting to move on and get a new job. The subject line is where your heart is- you need to vent. Any new job is a huge adjustment, nursing or not, granted nursing can be much more difficult. I know this from experience as a second degree/career nurse. Even my jobs prior to nursing I had to adjust to the work culture and the job itself. You have to adjust to a lot in nursing, the doctors, other nurses, learning everything about your specialty. Please give it at least a year. You worked really hard to get here and you owe it to yourself. Try not to buy into the doctors belittling you and also stand up for yourself. For example, I had a doc get upset because I called her for coumadin orders and the other unit had just called her 6 or 7 times that evening- I said I'm sorry but I don't know what the other unit is doing, I'm over here on a locked unit, I just came in at 7 and xyz is going on, you're absolutely right these orders should have been done and I don't know why no one gave them to you when you were here earlier, but here are the PT INRs and here is the dose I would recommend... She chuckled and was actually very pleasant after that. It was scary but I think having walked into the mad house that I did, I had enough gumption to be like look lady I'm not happy about calling you either... Doctors are people too, (some of them)- you just have to remind them that YOU are a person and deserve to be treated with respect. If they make you feel like you don't know something, own it- say you're right, Dr Smith, I should have done that; I'm learning and I will be certain to do that next time. Or, Dr Smith, I did not know that was what should have been done but thank you for teaching me; I really appreciate it as a new nurse and I will make sure to do that in the future. If you have this situation come up and you question what is being done, ASK- what is the reasoning for doing it that way, do you have time to explain it to me- I'm still learning as a new nurse. I would definitely give it a year unless it becomes absolutely unbearable. How long has it been since you have been off orientation? Start your year from that date and go easy on yourself.

Specializes in Rehabilitation,Critical Care.

I was like you when I first started in July 2014, I wanted to do something else. BUT PLEASE STICK TO IT. Be STRONG! This is a normal occurrence for new nurses or for whoever is starting their first ever professional job. Like what others have said, start studying and learning, you have more time now that you don't have nursing school. Hang in there! Vent if you have to but move on and strive harder. If after one year you still don't like where you are working at, then it's time to look somewhere else! God Bless.

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