Published Mar 22, 2009
Spill, RN
303 Posts
I have been working towards becoming a nurse for over ten years. Working full time, taking classes at night. So here I am about to graduate in less than six weeks. The big hospital in the metroplex, that I dream about working at is having a "marathon interviews" this weekend. Basically its like a big job fair, just for L&D wannabes!
How do I make myself stand out from the crowd? What should I do to prepare for the interviews?
I have a fantastic resume, I have worked as a PCA on a med/surg floor for the past year. Anything that I should mention or bring up in interviewing?
I want this job !!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your input!
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
i hope you land your dream job however if do not get any of the positions offered do not let your hopes be crushed! many times hiring managers already figured out who they want to hire! you sound like you may not work for a hospital already... think about it... there are people who already work on l&d floors or in these hospitals who are graduating with you... and yes, these managers will go to this fair even if they do not have any openings (i still do not get this part... someone will have to explain it to me or i will figure it out when i am a hiring nurse manager).
besides, lots of l&d nurses started elsewhere. i know... i know.. you don’t like x,y, or z nursing and if you thought for a second that you would have to work outsdie of l&d you probably would not have gone into nurisng.... well they thought the same thing as new grads! many are now good l&d nurses because of their initial experience outside of l&d.
i worked an l&d floor as a tech and as a nurse extern for a bit. i have no desire to become an l&d nurse at this time. during my employment, however, i found that the many of the better nurses (not all) started somewhere else… as a student nurse, they were always the ones i asked questions of regarding complications inside and outside of l&d because they seemed to better understand how to handle sick patients.
to answer your question:... show up with your outstanding resume and a smile. be sure to dress and be prepared to answer questions like you are being interviewed... because you are....... again, if you do not get the job, it may not have anything to do with you... and most importantly, it is not the end of the world. gl!
-future er rn working outsdie of the er for now.
2,170 Posts
Your OP sounds like a great letter to accompany your resume. You could get a letter of reference from the instructor who taught and monitored your OB student experience.
Ask the OB dept. manager if she would keep your resume on file in case she gets an unexpected vacancy and needs someone right away.
Best of luck.
2 Posts
The things that I love to hear in an interview are nurses who tell me things like "I want to come here to work and stay here", or "I want to learn everything there is to learn about obstetrics"...and they MEAN it!
Be sincere, honestly tell them why you want to work in L& you find birth fascinating? (After 30 years as an L&D nurse, I still do!) Tell them why you want to work in that particular L&D, what attracts you to that unit? Is it the staff? The physical layout? The physicians?
Just be yourself, smile, smile, smile and assure them that you want to be the hardest working, most reliable employee they can have (believe me, those can be hard to come by these days!)