Published Sep 5, 2005
Mr. Beef
34 Posts
As the title said, I need someone who is knowlageable about Texas Nursing rules to answer a question for me.
I really want to go into nursing becuase it is a way to give back to folks that have helped me in the past. I even have a friend that lives in Houston that's a Nurse that is trying to dissuade me from being a Nurse because of the stresses put on her every time she goes into work, and she only works part time. I think I can handle it though.
Anyway to my question.
I was diagnosed just over 2 years ago as Schitzoeffective, and was wondering if there was any sort of rule in Texas law that would make me ineligable for licensing in the state based on my diagnosis of Schitzoeffective? Is there any way I could be licensed in the state of Texas or shuld I just give it up and go back to Radiology Tech Training?
If I have posted this in the wrong place than I apoligize then could someone move it to the apporiate place and send me a PM as to where it was moved.
Thank you
Mr. Beef.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Hi and welcome to the boards.
I'm not the one to answer your question, but I think much of the answer would pertain to you and your Dr.
You have to pass a physical. Is your illness controlled by medication? Would your Dr. ok you to go through nursing school?
Good luck to you.
Thank you. I'm sorry I shot off my mouth about MA's being a poor man's Nurse. It's been a long weekend and I have a lot of reading to do for my British Literature Class.
I'm not the one to answer your question, but I think much of the answer would pertain to you and your Dr.You have to pass a physical. Is your illness controlled by medication? Would your Dr. ok you to go through nursing school? Good luck to you.
My friend who's a Nurse seems to think that even if I pass a Physical, I still can't get licensed based on my mental illness. I can pass a physical no trouble. Ouside a case of high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, both of which are controlled through medication, I'm good to go.
My physican would okay me no problem, but my mental health care provider might have something to say about it. With my Schitzoeffective symptoms being on and off and the only drug that my insurance will pay for is Loxapine to control it, I'm up a creek.
Thanks for your help.
10 Articles; 19,012 Posts
nursing practice act
rules and regulations
disciplinary sanction policies
No problem about the MA comment... lol
As for your illness, if it isn't controlled, I'm not sure how the BON handles that.
Obviously it could be harmful to yourself, and to your patients if you were to try to treat patients while you are having an "episode". (For a lack of better words.)
I want to say that the BON rules do mention things of this topic. Please go to the links that were provided by the above poster.
Again, good luck in whatever you end up doing, and remember that all areas of the health profession are very important to the patients. :)