I need some help for my CDE test on Sat.


I am taking my Certified Diabetic Educators test on Sat In Cleveland, and I wondered if there was some one on here, that could chat with me this evening on some questions I have.

You may reply to me personaly so I don't tie up the list notes, but I feel I could use a tad bit of help here.

I've also started a new job this week, so am starting to feel panic about this test.

Thanks for any help some one could give.


[email protected]

Sorry I'm not available to chat, but wanted to wish you well on the CDE exam. I took it 3 years ago. You might also want to try the discussion forum on www.diabeteseducator.org as this very topic has been discussed at length. If you've studied the AADE Core curriculum or have taken a course from AADE, then chances are you are well-prepared.

Thanks for the web site, I could not get in, as I'm not a member of that group. I have been working from the "Diabetes Education Review Guide", and the "The Art and Science of Diabetes Self Management Education" desk reference book. but I still feel unprepared.


Specializes in PNP, CDE, Integrative Pain Management.

I used the AADE Core Curriculum as well, took the exam 7 years ago. Read the questions very carefully (of course!) and try to determine exactly what the question is asking. Sometimes when we have experience in an area, we read the question and start thinking about our practice, and we read way too much into the question. Try to separate yourself from daily practice and think about the core of the question.

I know you're anxious, just remember that everyone else there is anxious also! Take a deep breath, trust what you know, and GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!

I also took the exam on Sat. I wish I would have seen this thread on Fri. How do you think you did? I think the questions were easier to interpret than the questions in the AADE review guide.

Waiting six weeks, is going to tear me up.

Just a forewarning, when they say it will be six weeks until you get your CDE results back, they mean at least 6 weeks and not one day sooner, so don't get too worried as the weeks go by. Not hearing anything doesn't mean you didn't pass.

Specializes in PNP, CDE, Integrative Pain Management.

Yup, took 6 weeks to the day to get the results in the mail! Agonizing...

Cde2be Did you take your test in Cleveland also? I have decided since they are totally behind the times, on paper and pencil, and takes 6 wks, I did the best I could, and if I don't pass, oh well, I gave it my best shot, IF I did pass, all the better. My family said that I always say that I didn't make it, and I usually do with flying colors, so I'll let them hope.

How many days do we have till 6 wks to the day ???? Just kidding, I'm not going to get very anxious about it now. :coollook:

I am trying to de--stress my life.


Waiting six weeks was horrible.

Xstycher I took the exam in Florida.

Specializes in PNP, CDE, Integrative Pain Management.


I'm glad you did,:yeah: I did not.:cry: My supervisor thinks I should try again, and not feel so bad, since I had just started a new job on Monday before I took the test. After the holidays are over, then I will deal with what I need to do re-take the test. :banghead: I really hate giving up on this goal.;)

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