I need some advice.


I need some advice from those of you that have applied to UT-Tyler or UTMB.

My current points for UT Tyler, not including my TEAS test is around 74-75 points if I calculated it correctly. I plan applying for Fall 2011. I am currently studying my butt of for this test to get 80 points or so when finished with the TEAS. I was wondering if I had a chance of getting in?

Also, I am also applying to UTMB. But my general GPA will be around a 3.2 and my science prereq will be around a 3.3. I plan on applying here for Fall 2011 as well. I will have my CNA license by the time I apply to their program and I also currently volunteer for Methodist Hospital in the Medical Center. I know my GPAs aren't great, but my first year in college, I messed up cause I was diagnosed with a sickness, and since I've gotten treatment have tried my hardness to bring up my GPA.

I attended UT Arlington for a year and my gpa was a 2.4.

Then I moved home to Houston, and went to Lonestar and my GPA is a 3.5.

I lost all hope of even getting into nursing school but this is what I really want to do. Is it possible to get in? If I decided to change my major, what major would take a number of the classes I've already taken? Please help. I really appreciate your comments and help!

You can still get into nursing. UTMB places a lot of emphasis on the whole person concept not just GPA's. Write a really good essay when you apply and address the deficiencies you had earlier and how you have overcome them since. I recommend going to a school oreintation that is where I learned how to get into the UTMB school. It worked for me. Good luck if you dont apply you will never know? Also dont rule out going back to a community college and getting an ADN. Its cheaper, easier or atleast more availability which increases your chance for acceptance. It is easy to get in a RN-BSN progrma later if you want to after ADN. As for another degree if you want nursing then dont change. If you dont like nursing many other healthcare jobs use some of the credits but not all. Medical school, respiratory therapy, Nuclear medicine, physical therapy, radiation technician, physicaian assistant, etc... They all have decent salaries. Just follow your heart and dont quit! Good luck.

Thank you for some hope mathwizard. I just looked for their orientation, but it seems like they are full until Feb and I would like to go before then since applications start Nov. :( Maybe I can pull it off with my essays.

I completely agree with mathwizard about the essay. Put your heart into it, explain the challenges you had in school with your illness, but also what you learned from your experience (especially if it helped you decide to go into nursing). With UTMB, as long as you meet the minimum GPA they require, they will keep you in consideration. Also, try to do your very best on the entrance exam because they also use that as a gauge to how well you will do in their school.

Since you can't make it to a UTMB open house, try contacting the pre-admissions advisor. She's super nice and will answer all of your questions. I even went to the school and met with her, so that's a possibility too. Also, if there is a open house coming up that you would like to get into but it's closed, try contacting the same pre-admissions advisor to see if she can get you in. I was just at one last weekend that was listed as full on the website, but there was still plenty of room for more people. They may say no, but it's worth a shot!

Good luck!

I appreciate both of your replies. So, you are saying that there's a chance that I can get accepted in to UTMB SON with my science prereq being a 3.30 and my overall gpa 3.2 and my prereq being a 3.2. I have been researching non-stop for 2 weeks and I'm driving myself crazy. It's like I keep calculating my grade and I know it's not going to change. I really don't want to switch my major because it's like starting all over. I really want to do nurses, but I feel like my grades will set me back forever.

With the essay, I'm not sure how to even start because I don't want it to be a sympathy essay, I want it to be meaningful.

Don't think of it as trying to gain sympathy votes. They want to know how your circumstances impacted your grades and that's why they even list that as a topic for the essay. If you don't write about it, there's no way for them to know why your 3.2 may be different than someone else's 3.2. Just be honest, admit where you went wrong, and why you want to be a nurse.

Since you have plenty of time before you need to turn it in, take your time to write your thoughts down. Leave it alone for a week or two before you take a look at it again to see if there's anything you want to change. Also, if you know any nurses at your hospital that help with hiring in their unit or professors at school that you llike, ask if they would read your essay or give you some advice for what they would like to read in an essay. You can get some really good pointers that way. Just remember, you can't be upset with yourself if you know you put 100% into it!

yes, you do have a chance of being accepted to the ut-tyler nursing program.

it would be best to contact the ut-tyler college of nursing to schedule an appointment with an advisor. an evaluation will be completed, which will determine if there are any prerequisite courses that you still need to complete. the advising appointment is very important because the deadline dates and entrance requirements will be reviewed. do not give up or allow a fear of failure to keep you from achieving your goals. you just need to take the necessary steps to pursue the career that you desire.

best of luck!


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