Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students
Published Apr 13, 2007
17 Posts
:uhoh21: I graduated HS and I know what I want to do in my life...Ive always wanted to be a nurse...I am so confused I don't know where to start either in a trade school or in a community college...I know I want to be a nurse maybe start as a LVN and from then on continue my education to an RN or NP...I just dont want to start sch. and then regret thinking I could've gone to another sch. Some ppl say community college is better faster and others trade schs...(im confused)I'm not sure where to start. I don't have anyone to ask q's so when I saw this site..I got very excited and hope to get some help here!!From people that I know could help me!!!I live in Los Angeles so if somebody could tell me about some school in L.A. where they went to or give me some advice on how to start I will really really appreciate it!!!! -Thanks-
14 Posts
I live in MO. and I went to a community college and the pass rate(NCLEX) for my class was 100%. Maybe you should look up the pass rates and then make a decision. I have worked with nurses that have went through the vocational schools and community college, they are all good nurses. NCLEX is the test you take after completing school to become an LPN or RN. Good Luck!!
gt4everpn, BSN, RN
724 Posts
I am also a recent H.S graduate. The choices were so many I just picked one I thought was good. The BEST thing to do is pick 3 colleges, go to the campus, talk to students whose majors are nursing and non- nursing alike and ask them how they like the school, THIS HELPS! If u know anyone who is a LVN ask them about work and school. I myself am an LPN(NY) and I do not regret being one. I am freshman in college for my RN and I will be working soon, I'm sooooo happppy that I'm an LPN, If u know your a hard worker, go for the LVN, it'll give u more experience- which probably means more pay when your an RN, you'll know most of your stuff by the time u actually pursue you RN, U can make some $, & you'll get to do what u love!. It'll be tough but try it out, GOOOOD LUCCCK!:welcome:
Thanks For Your Helpful Advice!!!!!!its Really Helping Me In MAkin My Decisons!!!!thanks Again
Thanks Im Going To Go Ahead And Check The Pass Rate!!!!thanks Again