Published Aug 7, 2008
286 Posts
I need to write a letter of interest for my application to the nursing program. I dont know where to start or what format i should use.
Can anyone give advice how to do the format (layout of letter) or guide me to a helpfull website?:typing
169 Posts
From my impression of these things, I think you are supposed to put in there why you are interested in that specific school, why you think they would be a good fit for you, what about the school attracts you etc.
If you have visited, you could draw on that experience to help you write the letter. Otherwise the schools website should give you some help in writing one as far as their philosophy.
100 Posts
Our application also asked for a letter of interest BUT it was a pre-printed check off list( we got these at the schools informational pre conferences for our specific program) that required just our signature,,,no actual letter needed to be written. Maybe you could find the name and contact information of your nursing program dircetor from the school web site , a quick and consice e mail should get you more info on what they expect...
Good luck BTW
1,747 Posts
Most schools want to know (a) why you chose nursing, and (b) why you chose nursing at THAT particular school. To start your letter, lay out the skeleton of it with those two paragraphs and fill them out. Depending on how long it is supposed to be, you can add a paragraph about life experiences that have led you to this decision, your future goals (oncology nurse, NP, etc.). You can also explain what YOU will add to the school: what wonderful characteristics do you have that will make your school an even more swell place. I know that's often kind of hokey, but they look for that kind of stuff.
Be sure to also note how wonderfully prepared you are: you're a great science student, you've volunteered at a hospital, etc. Say things like "University X and I are a great fit because..."
Most importantly, write sincerely about your desire to be a nurse. And be sure to check whether there's a minimum and/or maximum number of words!