I have 3 months to prepare for nursing school. What is the best way to prepare?

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I have 3 months to prepare for nursing school. I know you can't be totally be prepared, but I have all this free time, and I want to spend it wisely (I'm an overachiever too). I'm used to studying and reading inveterately for hours anyway, so why not review and build some background knowledge just to make a tad easier?

I have had suggestions on increasing background knowledge on Anatomy and Physiology and Pathophysiology to help prepare for nursing school. I've read 5 books about of nursing survival guides that were quite helpful. I have also developed a habit of organizing and prioritizing the day, which I heard is the most important skill to succeed nursing school.

Are there more subjects I can expand on? Books you recommend?

What is one thing you wished you could have prepared for nursing school?

I always recommend getting this book https://books.google.com/books?id=zHpRYbGaQFcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

If someone wants to get an idea before nursing school.

I think it's perfect for preparing before and during my fundamentals and intro to pt care classes at least. I'm using it right now as I study for a midterm coming up next week. I have the Saunders Comprehensive too but I didn't find it as rudimentary (I guess) for what I needed before I began and I like how it clarifies what I need now.

I totally agree with the sleep, nutrition, and netflix suggestions too!

I'm in the same position as Bibliophage. Thank you!

Specializes in CVICU, CCRN.

I say just focusing on establishing good nutritional regime (diet plans), exercise schedules, stress coping, develop your organizational skills, schedule "free time" vs "study times." Maybe create a Vision Board just to remind yourself of your daily goals. Other than that, I don't believe you should really "study" before going into nursing school.

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