I love my residents!

Specialties Geriatric


Just wanted to tell everyone I love my residents! Even the one who is confused and was upsetting to me has found her way into my heart :yeah: She has a nick name for me (she calls me Cherry...how cute is that?) and she remembers me from day to day :) LOVE THEM! I love the one who sings to me while I am charting. I love the one who has aphasia but still finds a way to express himself (and be ornery) so well. I love the one who calls me "loca" and then acts shocked when I call her on it "eee I didn't know you knew Spanish (wink, wink)". I love that even on my days off I wonder about them and hope they are all doing well. :redbeathe

I do the same thing every day for the same people. At first getting the whole routine down and working within the allotted time frames for med pass was challenging but now it is not.

I don't pass by memory, but I could. At first I was happy I had conqured the med pass because with the "beast" out of the way I could concentrate on quality. I could make sure everyone who had miralax, or eye drops, or flonase would get it as ordered. I could even take the time to do my 3 checks and 5 rights (gasp) instead of just grabbing the card that had the right drug name and popping the pill, as some of the nurses do. As a matter of fact I had time to clean out the cart and get rid of all the expired, wrong dosage, DC'd, resident not on my floor, medications. I've called doctors, done an inservice, inventoried stock, updated census sheets, helped the CNA's, requested psych evals, charted on every little thing, and I have been able to fill my days.....

I am not saying that there isn't an occasional crazy day where 2 people fall and 3 need sent out. I am just saying that even when those things happen it is the extra paperwork that makes the day challenging, and I am bored.

I just started my job in long term care and love every minute of it! I passed my boards about a month ago and got a job the next day. Now if I can just figure out how to keep my shift with 27 residents from being one perpetual med pass! I suppose this comes with time and experience!

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