Hi All-
I am a "brand" new nurse of about 7weeks. I am orienting in the ED, my "dream" unit, and I am feeling like this was a huge mistake.
Nursing is a career change for me, so I have had NO previous medical/health related experience and I think it's really hurting me, so I've been told and I'm also thinking it myself. I was pulled into the educators office on Tuesday and told they were giving me two more weeks on the unit with another preceptor, to see what their opinion was, to see if I was going to make it in the ED. Apparently, I am lacking in skills and some educational areas for the ED. Well, needless to say, I was totally thrown for a loop when I was told this. I felt as though I was coming along pretty well. Also, prior to being hired, by the way they knew I had NO previous health related experience, I would have up to 6 months of precepting if need be, and I was now told it is 8 weeks, but they will allow longer if needed. I thought I was just going to LOSE it when they told me this.
They told me I may be better off working on med/surg for a year to get experience and I could come back to the ED at a later point if I wanted to. Do I look for a positon in this hospital or look elsewhere if I take this route or I am forced to take this route???
I need some advice/suggestions please, on what you all think I should do. I'm feeling like the med/surg might not be a bad idea after all, especially since I have NO previous experience. Most of their "new" nurses have been techs in the department for 5+ years, so they are very comfortable when they transition to their RN positions.
Overwhelmed here, please share your thoughts!!