I just want my ATT!!!!!!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I've been out of nursing school since December 11, 2015! It is January 28, 2016 and I have no ATT yet. Long story short, transcript released last week, transcript request completed, registered and paid all fees and provided all documents to the appropriate bodies a while back so all of my ducks are in a row.

I called the registrar's office today to confirm that my transcript has indeed been sent and guess what, it has not. Apparently my transcript request was "processed" last week, but the printer is out of paper so they will print it tomorrow, a whole week later mind you, which means that if that actually does occur, it probably won't go out until Monday. Meanwhile, time is just ticking away taking me further and further away from school.

Has anyone else had a delay in receiving an ATT due to their schools ridiculousness?

A lot of students from every other program in town have already tested, yet my poor cohort is still sitting around waiting. Only about 5 or 6 of the class has an ATT and will test soon, the majority of us are still waiting.

I just want my ATT so that I can test and move on with my life.

you have to call your state nursing commission directly

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