I just talked to a Male nurse whose getting degree as nurse practitioner at La Salle.

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


I was celebratory posting on allnurses in the male nursing student section what I was going to do after I graduated (buying a bmw, and a motorcycle etc).

Then this male RN told me its really hard at La Salle (the university I got accepted) and only 50% pass. That totally freaked me out. I went from celebratory to crapping my pants.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Most nursing programs do not have high retention rates for varying reasons. Average would be 50-60 nursing grads that start do not complete program....engineering schools retention rates even worse. I've interviewed several LaSalle graduates over past few months who all sung high praise for program--very coomunity health focused. They do have help programs to help students pass program BUT student must be willing to ASK for assistance,. Those who are computer savy do better overall in my experience.

Best wishes as you start on this journey.

50-60 out of 100-120 students you mean??

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