I just officially enrolled


I officially enrolled in EC. I was going to wait about another month but they sent me an online offer to enroll now online and save $200 so I did it. Wouldn't it figure I was going along at a fairly good clip then I enroll and boom problems. Nothing major short version I have had a probable sle(lupus) diagnosis for several yrs. I got hurt at work and was subsequently terminated let go whatever. Anyway in the middle of it all hubby notices a couple of spots that have been on my face a couple of yrs have changed in appearance. So he insists on biopsy. Outcome not good it has been sent on for further study but apparently is one of two things either SLE or mycosis fungoides(low grade skin lymphoma). Each one not a biggy but all together has kind of thrown me for a loop. Anyway just asking for well wishes and or prayers that I get back on track. Thanks

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Best wishes all around. That your health is maintained and good luck with EC! :)

Sorry to hear that, best wishes to you and your family!

Specializes in Operating Room.

Best wishes and prayers to you and your family.

I officially enrolled in EC. I was going to wait about another month but they sent me an online offer to enroll now online and save $200 so I did it. Wouldn't it figure I was going along at a fairly good clip then I enroll and boom problems. Nothing major short version I have had a probable sle(lupus) diagnosis for several yrs. I got hurt at work and was subsequently terminated let go whatever. Anyway in the middle of it all hubby notices a couple of spots that have been on my face a couple of yrs have changed in appearance. So he insists on biopsy. Outcome not good it has been sent on for further study but apparently is one of two things either SLE or mycosis fungoides(low grade skin lymphoma). Each one not a biggy but all together has kind of thrown me for a loop. Anyway just asking for well wishes and or prayers that I get back on track. Thanks

Good luck to you. Here is wishing you well. I love your nick. I've often thought I'd like to collect something, but could never figure out what. A couple folks in my church collect tea cups (er, actually, only one now, the other passed away in December) which I thought was quite nice. Bells, though, now there's something I could probably get into collecting!


Specializes in Mental Health, MI/CD, Neurology.

Congrats on taking the big plunge!!!

I'm sorry these health problems are plaguing you right now. I wish you the very best.

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