I just heard they will remove all LVN/LPN?

Nurses LPN/LVN


Is this true that in coming years they will remove all lvn/Lpn????????

and CNA will do LVN jobs????????????????

Have u heard that or this is just rumor?

Gawd, I wish LPNs got the "easier patients". In my hospital (in Canada) you get whatever nurse is assigned to the room. Fresh ICU discharges come to us, as do all types of post ops. We perform our initial assessments, no RN "signs" for us. We report back to the Charge who is our immediate supervisor just as she/he is the supervisor of the RNs. We can push (but in my hospital no patient on the floor is allowed "push"), the logic being if they are that unstable they are in the ICU or still in Emerg. Central lines, etc. within our scope, the ability to do so is determined by the health region. So basically we can't pierce the Travisol or blood bag and fill the line. We walk back with an RN who pierces it, we hang it, do the vitals and the RN attachs it to the patient and turns it on. Two nurses have to be at the bedside, so no big deal.

I think that we treat patients differently up here. IV push just isn't factor on the acute floors. Blood requires two signatures. TPN maybe at time but not really an issue. Central lines come in spurts, we may have none and then the next month we are 2/3s full of them.

Our education to is two years and is basically the diploma RN program that was phased out.

The more experienced you are as an LPN, the more complex your patient. Several LPNs on my unit are given far more complex patients than an RN with a years experience.

Hardly fair. But it's called life.

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