I just had to get out of hospital nursing

Nurses General Nursing


I don't know if you all remember me or not, but I had taken a hiatus from this post due to burnout. I was burned out of nursing in general. My job on the stepdown unit I worked on was becoming too much for me. We had no unit manager for awhile, and when we finally got one, she was totally unsupportive. She hadn't done floor nursing in years, and was basically a yes man. They kept upping our patient load, and our acuity was higher than ever. I got to a point where I didn't feel safe, and was beginning to cut corners. I didn't feel this was fair to my patients, so I made a heartwrenching decision to quit my job. I loved working as a cardiac nurse in the hospital, but I feel like the working conditions drove me out. I don't feel like I can go back into that setting again until something drastic is done. I was working with new grads, travelers, and untrained float staff that didn't/couldn't recognize s/s distress if they hit them in the face (no offense meant to anyone).I am posting this because I want to hear from other nurses who feel like hospitals are driving competent and caring professionals out of the hospital and into the community. What do we do when we know that our patients are missing out?

There's gotta be a different way to remedy the problem of patients missing out for quality care. Looks like you've been in practice long enough to find an alternative way of providing care with the quality you feel they should have. Some of my burned out colleagues started their own care homes. You can raise the bar on the quality of care or stick with the minimum required by the regulating agency. Afterall, you own it!

Specializes in CV-ICU.

Hi Goldilocksrn! Yes, I remember you, but I don't have any answers for you other than don't go back to the same unit again until you know it's safe to practice there.;)

I wish there were answers to this problem, but short of all of the stuff that Think-about-it made fun of; AND SAYING NO to the supervisors who try to force unsafe staffing on you, then I haven't a clue. What have you been doing lately? Still working 2 jobs?

Hi goldilocksrn. I do remember you. I know it was difficult for you to quit your job, but your well-being is more important than your job. Are you presently working or just resting for now? I agree with a previous poster that starting your own business is one option especially if you're a motivated self starter. As for your former employer, were there other positions available like case management, UR, or nursing education? Did you consider staying on prn in the event something else came up that you were interested in?

As far as patient care, I have nothing new to offer. Just the SOT that has already been discussed on this bb. Have you considered applying for a hospital head nurse position to see what the problem is and see if you can make a difference from that position? Best wishes.

Yes, still working 2 jobs, but overall I'm working much less hours. I still must work full time, but I cut as many expenses as possible and now work smarter, not harder. I think changing jobs has made me a whole new person. Thanks for asking.

Of course, I remember you Goldilocks. I'm glad you have a different job. NOW - let go of the old one completely.;)

Hi Goldilocks

I know just how you feel...I was there 10 years ago! But then I got a break into research nursing at a major university in our city. Turned out to be the best thing I could have done! I wouldn't suggest going into research until you have had some years of regular nursing under your belt, but I feel I worked long and hard on the floors...gained my experience and it was time to move on. It is a very different type of nursing, but it keeps you on top of all the newest treatments, drugs and future of medicine. You might want to consider this as an alternative type of nursing job...it really cured my burn-out!:cool:

Hi Goldlocks,

Yeah, I've been there too, many times. My sister used to tease me about being satisfied for a year and then looking for a new job. Unfortunately for myself, pts, co-workers and my family I just was not happy at the bedside. (And when nurse is not happy, ain't nobody happy) What!!! How could you be a nurse and not want to be at the bedside???? It happens. I also finally went outside the hospital, first to hospice (I loved that for 3 years;) and now to telehealth (we do triage, and disease management) It has been a great move for me. I am happier then ever and actually love my job. But my very best advice for burnout, and it is certainaly not origional with me, is ... Lister closely, this is hard...Take care of you. Eat right, exercise, sleep, pray, find a hobby (I sew, quilt, and cross stitch). Life is not about work, even when the job is wonderful.:)

Praying for you.

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