
hello everyone im new to this website and i think i find it interesting. im an currently taking my pre requisites to go for accelerated nurse practitioner. this is my senior year and my current gpa is a 2.7 i have 2 more semester and i will be done with my BS i was wondering if any of you know any school and can easily accept me i have no experience on volunteer and have great recommendations letter. please help me:( and also i predicted my grade for the next two semester i have if i have all A's my gpa will by 4 points please really do need some advice and help

Specializes in Med/Surg, International Health, Psych.

Maybe this might best be posted under the Pre-NP or Student NP section.

First suggestion, change your screen name! Lol.. But seriously, I think GPA is only a part of whether a school chooses to accept you to a program or not. Work history, references and interview matter.. Don't count yourself out..

Specializes in Pediatrics, High-Risk L&D, Antepartum, L.

Are you in the US? I know some schools will just toss your application if the gpa doesn't meet their requirement which is usually a 3.0.

Yes im in the US new york and ready to move anyway because of my situation

Specializes in Pediatrics, High-Risk L&D, Antepartum, L.
Yes im in the US new york and ready to move anyway because of my situation

Are you a foreigner? Your post is written so poorly. You aren't going to get far with a low gpa unless you have something else to offer....experience, excellent writing skills or something to make you stand out.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

I would say its very unlikely.

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