It's a common thread it seems, but here goes my version. I originally posted this in response to another unhappy new nurse, but I thought maybe a good idea to start a new one.
I just got off orientation 2 weeks ago (a couple of weeks early at the request of my supervisor), and I HATE my floor. I really got to see the difference in patient load that the new nurses get compared to the senior nurses. When I was on orienatation with the senior nurses, we would have one "complete" care or isolation patient, now that i am by myself, I have had 2-3 complete care patients and 2 isolation patients to care for, and some of the NA's don't lift a finger to help! So as a result I am running around changing patients, getting water and ice, grabbing blankets, heating up food, and all of this before I can even get my meds done!! It sucks!! I am so depressed, I hate this work....I am only one person, but I feel like I need to do everything. I don't like to make waves, so I just do everybodys job.
I want to quit right now...maybe go the OR, which is where I wanted to go originally anyway, but decided I needed to get some tele/med surg experience first. I am a shadow of the old me right now, I used to like to do things, go places, see my friends, now I don't care about any of that. I feel miserable just thinking about work all of time. I need to do something, and fast! I just don't want to leave before 6 mos. Thanks for reading......