I am having a hard time getting into a Nursing school.

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I am currently a student attending Queensborough Community College soon to graduate with a Liberal Arts Degree. It has always been my dream to become an RN and I am facing severe road block with achieving my aspirations. I am having a hard time getting accepted into Nursing schools in NYC. I have applied to York, City Tech, Lehman, Medgar Evers and Saint Paul's School of Nursing. They have all rejected me. Due to personal issues my grades and GPA suffered because of it. I started college off with at 3.3 GPA and now I am down to a 2.2. I failed A&P once and then took it again and received a C. I took A&P2 and received a D+ in which I took it again and received a A-. I have changed my studying habits and lifestyle completely to accommodate more time for school. I would really appreciate your advice as what to do and maybe what school's in and outside of NY I can apply for with a higher chance of getting in to. This has definitely taken a toll on my hope of being a Nurse but I am still trying to hang in there. Can someone please help me?

NSEEK try getting into an LPN program and graduate with high marks....Molloy College has a LPN to BSN program...you will definitely have to take some prereqs again to raise your gpa but dont give up.....good luck I know you will succeed

Okay so you should never give up on your dreams. You need to do your research a little bit better. For instance, most of those colleges you listed above already require you to have a AAS as an RN to even apply to their program. Also, you know you have to repeat all the classes over. I have all As in my prereques and still was wait listed for stony brook. Just repeat all the classes. Take it slow and learn better study habits. All my friends were amazed how well I did in my classes while they were dropping and getting cs. It's not that I'm smarter I just prioritize better(meaning having no social life) I know what's important and in 2 years I'll have my BSN. Nursing schools use the prerequisites to weed out the weaklings. Nursing school is no joke and you better believe it. Way harder than AnP and so forth

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