Published Feb 8, 2006
250 Posts
Hi all, just finished the 1st semester of the 4 semester LPN program I'm doing :) I love nursing and know it's definately what I want to do with my life. But I'm also very frustrated with myself. I've been going to clinicals since november every tuesday and I'm STILL very uncomfortable at the hospital, I get nervous every Tuesday and second guess myself on everything I do. I can't understand this because I work part time at a sub-acute nursing facility as a CNA and am very comfortable, relaxed, and competent with my care. But for some reason when I go into that hospital, my nerves get shot. Most of the staff seem almost territorial towards us students and it's very intimidating. We have recently begun physical assessments at our clinicals and honestly I don't think I'm ever going to get them down pat. Many times I can barely hear the lung sounds for the heart beating. I feel utterly awful, I make good grades in nursing and while I have no trouble with basic nursing care, the new skills we're learning are challenging for me to learn. Is this normal? Any feedback would be great
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Many times I can barely hear the lung sounds for the heart beating. I feel utterly awful, I make good grades in nursing and while I have no trouble with basic nursing care, the new skills we're learning are challenging for me to learn. Is this normal? Any feedback would be great
238 Posts
I too am just ending my first quarter and feeling the same way as you. I have had many a 4th quarter student tell me that they felt the same way when they were in the first quarter. Hang in there and it will all come to you. I start my hospital clinicals next Wednesday and I am petrified. Knowing that someone else is going through the same issues as I am really helps. Talk to some of your classmates and you will see they feel the same way. If they say they don't, they are probably lying. Good luck to you.
Hi all, just finished the 1st semester of the 4 semester LPN program I'm doing :) I love nursing and know it's definately what I want to do with my life. But I'm also very frustrated with myself. I've been going to clinicals since november every tuesday and I'm STILL very uncomfortable at the hospital, I get nervous every Tuesday and second guess myself on everything I do. I can't understand this because I work part time at a sub-acute nursing facility as a CNA and am very comfortable, relaxed, and competent with my care. But for some reason when I go into that hospital, my nerves get shot. Most of the staff seem almost territorial towards us students and it's very intimidating. We have recently begun physical assessments at our clinicals and honestly I don't think I'm ever going to get them down pat. Many times I can barely hear the lung sounds for the heart beating. I feel utterly awful, I make good grades in nursing and while I have no trouble with basic nursing care, the new skills we're learning are challenging for me to learn. Is this normal? Any feedback would be great -Ben
62 Posts
I believe what you are feeling is what every single person who has gone thru clinicals has felt. Like someone said come the end of your 4th semester you will be a pro. I too had and still have 5yrs later diversing what type of lung sounds i hear. Wheezing is the easiest for me. I believe part of it is during clinical you are out of your element as a CNA so your comfort level is not there. At work you are relaxed and know what you are doing. As far as nurses being territorial comes with learning. YOu have to remember even though you are there learning, when you leave they still have that patient to take care of. I wouldnt take it personal. I would speak to your teacher about lung sounds. Many of them have tapes that you can review to help get the hang of learning the lung sounds. My first clinical I completely went blank on how to do a bed bathe. A bed bathe. Simple right. I had been in direct care for over 10yrs but couldnt remember the simplest of task. Dont worry. Remember you are a student. Learning. I once heard it takes someone 100times of doing a given task to make them profeicent in that task. If you can at your job when doing patient care, do assessments on them in your head.. just do the drill in your head practice, practice.. you will be fine. We have all had our moments that make us question ourselves. You will be fine!! Good luck
4 Posts
Thank you all for your encouragement, I don't feel completely incompetent now that I know other people have felt the same way. I feel a LOT better, thanks ya'll! :kiss