Published Aug 16, 2012
nursefrances, BSN, RN
1 Article; 601 Posts
I am so excited that I am finally able to post this thread. :) Monday, I had a second interview for an outpatient surgery center (recovery) RN position and I was hired. I am leaving hospital bedside nursing (Telemetry) to do my dream job. No more 12 hours shifts, no more weekends. The hours are Mon-Fri 6:30am to about 2:30pm (earlier or a little later depending on when we are done with cases).
Prior to going to nursing school I was an ophthalmic tech (COA) for about 12 years and really enjoyed ophthalmology. I knew at some point in my nursing career I wanted to go back into some form of ophthalmology, most likely working in an outpatient surgery center with eye surgeons. And it is finally coming true. This OPSC (outpatient surgery center) specializes mainly in ENT so there are few ophthalmologists, an ENT doctor, and also one urologist and a plastics specialist who occasionally do some cases. I am very excited to try a different area of nursing. I believe it will be somewhat familiar because of my background but I am also looking forward to working with the other specialties and learning new things.
If anyone has any tips or stories about working at an OPSC I would love to hear them. Thanks. :)
151 Posts
congrats, i too long to be an ambulatory surgery nurse, but first i have to get a nursing job, just took the boards today!LOL! did the pearson vue trick, according to that i may have passed, too scared to believe it, don't want to get let down. any how, Congrats to you!:yelclap:
Thanks. Congrats to you too. Fingers crossed, good luck. :)
214 Posts
Congrats! I worked in Ambulatory Surgery and loved it. If you have experience with eyes that will help. Our eye turn around time was about 20 minutes, so you have about 30 minutes to recover your patient and be ready for the next one. Chart as you go...and be willing to flex your hours with the schedule. I liked my out pt job very much.
There's been a change in plans. I am not working recovery after all. I am training as an OR circulating nurse instead. Very interesting. I am learning alot. :)
34 Posts
Sounds exciting! Best wishes!
26 Posts
Hi nursefrances,
Congrats! I have an interview in outpatient surgery (they do: weight loss surgery, endoscopy, colonscopy, breast reduction, etc) Any advice on interview questions. I have no idea how to prep since this is my first surgery job interview. My only experience is in LTC. I really want to do surgery especially in outpatient setting. I am excited that I got the interview but also scare that I might screw it up. Please help. Any advice would greatly appreciated.
Hi nursefrances,Congrats! I have an interview in outpatient surgery (they do: weight loss surgery, endoscopy, colonscopy, breast reduction, etc) Any advice on interview questions. I have no idea how to prep since this is my first surgery job interview. My only experience is in LTC. I really want to do surgery especially in outpatient setting. I am excited that I got the interview but also scare that I might screw it up. Please help. Any advice would greatly appreciated.
If you get the job (and I hope you do ) give it your all. I think in some of these fields, it is smaller and more people know each other. (future networking possibilities) I just had an interview on Thursday for another surgery center (exclusively Ophthalmology, which is what I truly wanted. I am now officially planted.) And I got the job. :) What I just said about your reputation following you. It can, in these specialized fields. Always do your best and be known as a hard worker, easy to get along with, etc. It will pay off. Good luck to you. Hope you get the job. :) Keep us posted on how it turns out.
One last thing, DON'T be nervous. I know it is hard not to psych yourself out but it shows through in your interview. Remember, you know what you know. And what you don't know, you are more than willing to learn. Good body language, confidence without looking overly confident or arrogant. Ok....I'm done. Just know you CAN do this. Good luck.