Long story short, had 2nd clinical ever today and was assigned to a very edematous bed-bound pt with right-sided CHF. She had really bad skin breakdown and, as we were turning her to change the sheets, I felt like a lot of "debris" from the sheets went up into to the air. I could actually see it in the air. I wanted to slap the nurse b/c she wasn't being careful with them. Anyway, I feel like I definitely inhaled whatever "particles" these were and now I can't get the taste of "poop", for lack of a better word, out of my mouth.
Does skin break-down have a certain smell that mirrors feces? She had been using the bed-pan for her bowel movements, but I'm not sure if she had feces in between her skin folds or in the old sheets, b/c I wasn't on that side of her when turning her.
It is really rather unpleasant. I've tried brushing my teeth and mouth-washing and it has still come back on and off over the past few hours. UGH.
Am I crazy? What did I inhale? Should I be worried?