Published Apr 11, 2012
426 Posts
I feel like I do not know anything! There are so many nursing situations that I know nothing about. I have only worked in LTC and Rehab. I will be starting med surg next semester and I feel like I will be lost. I'v never been involved in an emergency situation, performed CPR (thankfully), started an IV or worked much with IV meds. I have also struggled with foley's. Most of the time I have to call another nurse to help me. I also am afraid that the way I have been taught to do things in the past will be "wrong" to my clinical instructors. I feel like since I am an LPN that I should know a lot but I don't feel like I know much at all :-(
I guess I'm just looking for some words of support or advice. Thanks for reading.
243 Posts
Awe. I think we all feel like that at one point or another. Just know you probably aren't the only one feeling "dumb". I am sure after you get your footing it will be ok! Keep your head up and fake it til you make it!!!!! Good luck!
288 Posts
CrazyGoonLPN, I agree with LinseyRN86. You are probably not the only one feeling like this. You are there to learn and be sure to ask your clinical instructor for assistance. You are paying her or him to teach you what you don't know. Don't be ashame to ask questions. Making a mistake, that could have been avoided will cost you your license and/or your career. Get all the information you can get. Usually the hospital staff are nice about helping you obtain your skills. I wish you well. Be confident in yourself.
Wild Irish LPN, LPN
189 Posts
"Fake it 'til you make it"....yep, totally agree....I am an LPN student (Grad in June!) who will be starting me career in LTC soon after we graduate, then this Fall I will start my LPN to BSN journey clinical experiences were very good ones (thank goodness), a lot of varied skills were practiced at the LTC/Rehab we were at....Caths, trach's, G-Tubes, etc....great experience....but just like you I worry my skill set will be lacking in my first gig as a LTC nurse, I am equally nervous...but really, there isn't a nurse worth their salt that is out there who will tell that they weren't just as nervous as we are when they were moving on and up....we got this dude!....Good luck and keep us updated on how it is going.....
6,011 Posts
Oh heck I could go to a sister unit and they would have slightly different ways of doing things and I have 37 years as an RN plus 7 more as a medical assistant. If someone gives you a hairy eyeball ask if their procedure is different from the standard you are accustomed to. It's not chicken to ask for help, we all need help at times like foleys and having someone hold an arm still for an IV.