I had enough. I want to shift.

World International


Yes. I want to shift. I want to shift careers.

What do you guys think? I'm sure many of us have really felt very depressed and down on the situation were currently at and it's *** **** serious. WE HAVE NO JOBS.

I can't stop but not remember the things I exchanged for this nursing career. Hell. I'm supposed to have finished a degree in UP and made some growth to myself since it was already two years since I graduated from college. Of the five of us who successfully passed UPCAT, I was the only one who turned it down in exchange for this. ... I think I want to cry. The rest of them are all successful in their careers. One even topped the Teacher's Board Exam.

So I enrolled in a mediocre school with the only intention of passing the NCLEX when I graduate. Fortunately, I passed it in my first take. I thought things will be bright for me after. Yeah.. well turns out I was wrong.

Yeah. I know many of you guys would argue that it's not really the school but it's the person's hardwork that would put him/her to the top and blah blah blah. But, our case, by a mile, is very complicated than that. I just hate it immensely how things turned out. I'm sorry. My pessimism is just way beyond human comprehension. It's like my mind is in anarchy.

So, I was thinking. If I study again then it would take me, I don't know, two years(?). Am I being realistic here? I'm planning to take Accountacy in La Salle since I could go anywhere with that degree. Unlike Nursing. Oh. it's just too sick. I wanna puke right now. Any nurse want to wipe off my vomitus? Oh I forgot, I am a nurse. Whoa.

How about you guys? Do you think it's time for us to study again and find a job that we LIKE. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate nursing but I don't like it either. I'm neutral.

I don't know what to say/write anymore. I felt that I just want to let this emotion and disgustness off my chest like AA where they would confide to each other but the things they feel. A support group.

Anyway, would appreciate on what you guys think. Thanks.

@ dodoy

Thanks. I also don't want to quit but its a race against time. Hopefully, all of us will be able to find a secured job within a workplace that fosters harmony among its staff...

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