I have COPD. Should I get an O2 unit that delivers up to 6L/per minute?
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
I have COPD, I want to buy a portable O2 unit, I use 2L/per min now. For sleeping only. They have units that deliver 2L & units that goe up to 6 l/per min. But are more expensive. Do you think the 2L /per min would be sufficient, as I have heard that COPD pts. Even if getting worse, probably shouldn't over 2L/per min. Anyway. What are your thoughts. I am a retired RN.
I have COPD, I want to buy a portable O2 unit, I use 2L/per min now. For sleeping only. They have units that deliver 2L & units that goe up to 6 l/per min. But are more expensive. Do you think the 2L /per min would be sufficient, as I have heard that COPD pts. Even if getting worse, probably shouldn't over 2L/per min. Anyway. What are your thoughts. I am a retired RN.
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