I am so confused about NY hosptials PLEASE HELP ME


Hello everyone

This is my first post and I am really exited about talking to everyone. This site has helped me so much with the many questions that I have had throughout nursing school, so thank you to everyone.

Ok, I currently live in Atlanta and I am thinking of moving back to New York to work. I will be graduating in May of 06 and I am totally confused on what to do. I know the first thing everyone thinks is "WHY DO YOU WANT TO MOVE BACK TO NEW YORK!" Well I am young and single with no kids, so this is the best time for me to make this sort of move. I have been looking at Mt. Sinia, Maimonides, NYP, and many others. I will be living in brooklyn if I do decide to make the move so I am not sure about the commute.

I guess I am asking anyone for their opinion on if this may be a good move and if they know of any hospitals that are good to work at. I would also like some feedback on the hospitals that I have listed about, positive or negative. The area that I am looking to work in is the ER. I am currently a tech in the busiest ER in the state of Georgia and I have gotten used to the organized chaos that I am sure every ER has. With this being said I cannot see myself working on the floor, it would be too boring for me.

So if anyone has any advice for me, i would greatly appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from anyone.


I think NYC is a great place to live, but it's not for everyone. Housing is expensive, which is probably what most people are turned off by, so you will most likely end up living in a smallish apartment, but there are so many other things to do, so for me, that makes up for it.

I work as a social worker at NYPH/Cornell which is on the east side (68th and York) of Manhattan. I'm in nursing school now, so when I graduate, that is where I want to work. The nurses I have spoken to like it there, and compared to the other hospitals I have worked at, the staff overall seem very professional and courteous. There is also Columbia Presbyterian which is on the upper westside (168th St) of Manhattan, so make sure you distinguish the two. I can't commnet on Mt. Sinai or Maimonides in terms of what the hospitals are like, but Maimonides I believe is southeast of Prospect Park in Brooklyn, so if you plan on living in Brooklyn, the commute there might be easier. Of course, it also depends on where you live in Brooklyn. :)

I live near Columbia University, which is on the upper west side of Manhattan, and I commute to the Flatbush area in Brooklyn for school. The commute is rather easy since I only take two trains. My commute time around 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. to get to my 9:00 a.m. class is about an hour. Some days longer if there are problems with the trains. Figure out what neighborhoods you want to live in and than compare to the hospitals you want to work at to see if it makes sense.

Hope this helps some!


Thank you for responding. Do you have a contact number for the recruiter or the ER manager at Maimonides. I have called the number on the web and it is just an automation. It is so difficult to actually talk to a person these days. I am going to try and make a trip out there soon and would love to be able to visit the hospital and talk to the manager of the ER.

I see that you said you live nearby to the hospital. Is the hospital located in a nice area, and is housing around there expensive.?



I can tell about 3 hospitals in Manhattan that I know have new grad entry into ER. Cornell has an training program that's very comprehensive (one year!, but you are paid full staff salary till you complete it. Your resume has to be in by spring sometime. It's very competitive, though - GPA has to way up there, and you through levels of interview. NYU Downtown hospital will also hire new grads into ER, but it's not a level I trauma center. Bellevue Hospital will also take new grads, but the pay is $10K lower than the big hospitals - it's a great place to get your training, though.

Don't know about Brooklyn hospitals, but you might want to call the HR offices and find out about their new grads policy - no point wasting your time with places that definitely won't consider you for ER, if you are certain about what you want.

Thank you NYNewGrad for the number to Mary Ann Radioli. I called her and she seemed to be very nice. She told me the next time I come to New York to call her before hand in order to set up an interview. She also said that the orientation last 6-8 weeks. I did not get a chance to ask her all the questions that I wanted to ask, i think she was in kind of a hurry, im not sure. I was wondering if orientation for the ER takes the same amount of time, if so, do you think that that is kind of short for such a specialty area. I have heard of some hospitals having orientation for new grads in the ER for 3 months! I was thinking of coming to NY in November or December, do you think this is to early to be going on possible interviews being that I am graduating in the Spring?

Did you end up taking the job at Maimonides?

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