Published Jan 10, 2011
1 Post
Happy New Year Everybody
After some soul searching and discussions with family I have finally begun my training to become an RN... However I feel as if my career path will be the most challenging and fulfilling if I pursue my CRNA License.
I received my Bachelors of Science in Human Relations and Applied Psychology in 2007, I will have my ADN by December 2012, I was wondering what is the best and fastest and easiest way to turn my BS and ADN into a BSN?
The ADN I am getting is from an ADN degree granting school only..
I live in NYC
Thanks so much!
UVA Grad Nursing
1,068 Posts
Here is a list of 670 RN-BSN programs that exist in the US: There looks to be 3 dozen such programs in your home state of New York.
Good luck.
368 Posts
are you sure there isn't an accelerated BSN program in your area? i have a BS as well, and when i decided to become a RN - it was FASTER for me to get my BSN than it was to get my ADN because there's a college that offers an accelerated BSN program specifically to students who already have a degree. it takes 18 months from start to finish. i'll start in May and graduate in December 2012.
3,445 Posts
Did you know that there are MSN programs out there that will accept you as an RN with an ADN that also has a non-nursing bachelor's degree? No need to do the BSN. Check the MSN admission requirements at some of the schools, many of them specify this.