Humber RPN Admission test - chemistry


Hi everyone,

Is there anyone out there that can help me with the chemistry portion of the test??

Sample questions or what to focus on?

I already have the health exam study book but i was told the chemistry portion wasnt helpful. My test is this saturday and any help would be GREATLY appriciated!!!

Seriously....chemisrty HELP!!!

This is going to sound strange but....

Dont study for the HOAE.

Honestly. None of the questions really require prior knowledge you can study for. Almost all of the questions are common sense items, or very broad general things about Science, Bio and Chem. You will be asked something like... "What is the common cold?"... Its a virus.

I went in without studying anything at all, and came out with an 81.

The things you need to know are spelling, reading comprehension, logic (logic questions such as comparing circles etc), and medical terms.

The medical terms were in the spelling section, and I basically guessed them - Since you will never come across them in any grade 12 courses.

Another question was about who won the nobel prize, and who invented vaccines.

So my personal experience is that this isnt a test you can truly study for. You either know it, or you dont.

Best of luck to you!!! : ) And dont stress! The HOAE was really easy - dont over think it and dont stress. Youll do great!

TheSkyIsPurple was very thorough in his answer, but I'm afraid that Humber does not use the same HOAE test all the other colleges use. The admission requirements for the program are based solely upon the results of the admission test.. They don't care what your marks where like in high school. Nonetheless I'm preparing to write the test in about a week and I was wondering if the test was at all like what TheSkyIsPurple said, are there any similarities. Did you get into the RPN program? Also, I know you wrote the pre admission a while back but if you remember anything at all for chem & bio that would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe what to study for, thanks!

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