How's the nursing entrance exam at Bergen community college


Just wanted to know if anyone has taken the nursing entrance exam for Bergen community college in paramus nj and wanted to know what to expect from the test. What is the best way to study for this exam. Any suggestions or does anyone know of prep classes avaliable anywhere would appreciate it....

Me Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay ..just let me know when and where and im sure i can help you guys out with some pointers..


Thank you so much! One question - did you class take the HESI Entrance Exam or the Accuplacer, and if the HESI, do you know what the range of scores was? I'm curious about the average top score - thanks!

i am in the third semester so i took it a year and a half ago so i actually took the accuplacer.

Hey everyone! I just took the exam yesterday and I scored an 89 on it... The only part that really got me was the chem section...It really wasn't that hard but I did not study the chem part as much as I should have. I would like to know if anyone knows what my probability is to get into the program with a 3.894 GPA and an 89 on the Entrance Exam.

I'm with you Cokieb....I got a 91.25% and have a 4.0 for my prereq's --- but from what I gather, that still might not be good enough depending on how well everyone else scores. And if there is a quota that keeps higher scores out of the program I will be so upset!!!!!

I really studied a lot, for 2 1/2 weeks. Bergen really needs to get their application process under control tho...first they told me that I only had until March 19th to take it (in an e-mail they sent on March 1st) I spent the next week FREAKING out because I was leaving to go out of town on the 18th, meaning I had to take it on the 17th ---- but that didn't leave enough time in between the "requesting for a registration ID" from Prometrics and the "10 days in advance" required from the date you schedule to sit the test and the actual date you sit the test. I spent 2 days tryin to get someone at Bergen on the phone or to at least respond to my e-mail to see if I would still be able to take the test even if it was "early". After Bergen told me, pretty much, to "work it out with the testing center, that they didn't know" they sent another mass e-mail the following week saying that we had until APRIL 23RD!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thru the roof!!!!!! Why not tell me that when I was startin to think that I would be able to take it at all?! By that point I had already sheduled my test for March 17th so I just stuck with would have been nice to study for an additional month tho, that's for sure!!

Good luck and i hope all of you get in, but trust me when i say that the entrance exam will sound sweet after the semester starts..The craziness begins then but its all worth it

I got that email too and I got so confused!! It was really messed up! I really hope we get in..I mean I know it is a very competitive program but it doesn't seem very fair...Idk I just hope it works out to our benefit!

OMG!! I was so fired up over that whole thing!! I feel like I have had to pull teeth for almost a year now tryin to find out what I needed to get into the program, then what I need to do at every stage of the game to clear up the mess that each communication from them created...I've never seen anything like it!! It's almost like they make it this complicated and conviluted to weed out the ones who are serious about getting in! I bet they hate me up there! Haha! I was callin and emailin and everything else!! LOL!! At least they might remember me and recall my "eagerness" to comply! Haha!! has been dramatic I tell you, drah-ma-tic!

Yes, I agree - it's been crazy. I know of some people who had not even received a letter about the criminal background check as of spring break - it seemed to be very unorganized. So, from what I read, as of 4/25, all the scores should be in?

Well, theoretically yes...but on the threads from last year people were still taking the test thru to the end of May in reality. Apparently, depending on when you apply or submit your "change of curriculum" form dictates when YOUR deadline to take the test is. The earlier you apply, the earlier you have to take the test. My deadline was March 19th, then it was April 23rd, some others have till April 25th and I'd be willing to bet that the people who got their app in at the last minute have until May something. Which is fine by me, I guess, but it sucks that some of us (myself specifically) only had 2 weeks to prepare after finding out the deadline while others have MUCH more time. I'm not hating on those who had more time, good for them!!!, but the system is flawed!

Hi I am scheduled to take the hesi entrance exam but was wondering what I should concentrate on studying someone had said the math and grammar and vocabulary is not that intense and the science and chem is intense. And is there an essay or not on it. Did you only have to take it once. I really hope I pass!!! Thanks

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