How does type 2 diabetes(hyperglycemia)cause PVD?

Nursing Students Student Assist


I am trying to understand the etiology of Peripheral Vascular disease and how Diabetes type II particularly in the hyperglycemic state can lead to it.

Is it because when you are hyperglycemic you are in a hypermetabolic state increasing demands on your heart workload and the heart's pump can just not keep up with the forward flow of blood (perfusion) to some parts of the body? I would appreciate any clarification of this disease process.


I have been trying to figure this out as well. What i found is that Diabetes promotes atherosclerosis( major cause of PVD) Hyperglycemia effects weaken the vessel walls, and diabetes also can cause increased LDL, triglycerides( which are major risks for atherosclerosis and PVD)

Specializes in ED.

Diabetes Mellitus - increased risk of PAOD 2-4X by causing endothelial and smooth muscle cell dysfunction in peripheral arteries.

maybe this will help a little

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