How to thank an ED RN?


Who is in charge of an ED? Is it a chair, director, or other? I want to write the hospital to show my appreciation and gratitude to an ED RN. I have already sent an e-mail to patient relations however, I am also planning to mail letters to the Board of Directors and the Head of the ED. I also plan to send one to the Charge RN however, I am not sure how often her time slot changes. Any suggestions???? I really want to recognize this RN and recommend her for a promotion and salary raise. I have already sent the ED RN flowers and balloons (non latex).

Specializes in ED, ICU, Heme/Onc.

Sending a copy of the letter to the nurse manager of the ED would be great too- though he or she will most likely get a copy of it from Administration. It's nice to hear when we do something right - thanks.

Unless you want to thank the Charge RN also, don't bother, sending letters to everyone else you listed should work just fine. Thank you letters are awesome, it is a nice reminder as to why we do this job.

Edit:Also, I love the non-latex balloons!

I would definately send letters to the individual, ED director, medical director and the Admin. staff in charge of nursing, i.e. VP of nursing, director of patient services and the hospital president. It is so often that we as nurses hear so much negative, so when someone wants to thank someone it should get deserved recognition.

Specializes in Trauma/ED.

Very nice to my work complements go into our file but nothing I've seen is done with them. I used to get them a lot when I worked surgical but in the ED have only received a few. In our staff meetings the letters are read and we actually get a "gold" star that some put on their badges, after you get so many you get a plaque.

Specializes in ER, ICU, cardiac.

That is very nice :) Usually a note to administration gets passed on to our nurse manager and filed in our employee file. Any thank you card we recieve gets hung up on a community bulliten board. Thank you for your recognition :) I love it when I know I have made a difference in somones life :)

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