Published Apr 29, 2008
25 Posts
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and I'm glad I joined because it is very informative! It's really helping out a lot. I do have a question that I'm not able to find... I want to apply for direct entry MSN as well as AccBSN. I'm wondering, for those of you who already applied or are applying, how did you/will you send out your letters of references to the schools? Did you open up a letter service file OR asked your references to make some number of copies themselves to send out to the schools OR something else? I was planning on opening up a letter service file through my previous college, since it seems easiest. Which one did you find easier to do? I'm planning on applying to at at least 7 schools. Another thing, I've seen that almost all of the schools have their own individual "evaluation" forms that your references need to complete along with that 1-2 page letter. I haven't yet asked my 'future' references yet because of the fact that they will probably need to write one letter, but fill out 7 "evaluation" forms. Any suggestions? info? thoughts? Anything would be great! Thanks in advance!
275 Posts
I had to have 2 letters of recommendation for my Accelerated BSN program, and when I took the forms that they had to fill out provided by the school, I also gave them envelopes that already had the school's address and everything including stamps on them. They were both wonderful about getting them in on time, and even one of them made a copy of the letter he attached with the evaluation form he filled out so I knew what he said about me. We weren't allowed to mail in the letters ourselves. They had to be mailed in by those who filled out the forms/wrote the letters. I guess that makes sense! It worked fine for me...I think it will for you too! :)
1,747 Posts
My schools wanted the letters of recommendation enclosed with my application materials in one envelope. So I had my recommenders seal the letter in a business-sized envelope and sign their names across the seal. Then I just slipped the letters into the bigger envelope with my application, transcripts, etc.
7 schools is a lot of recommendation letters, esp. if there are forms that have to be filled out in addition to the letter. Make sure your recommenders are OK with doing that many *and* make sure they can be relied on to meet your deadlines. As a former college prof, I wrote many letters of recommendation, and they are work and time-eaters. Don't get me wrong; I did like writing them. But sometimes at crunch-time, it really ate away at my time to do them. So as long as your recommenders are cool with doing 7 letters, go for it. :)