How to safe guard children?


Hi Folks,

what interventions/steps can mental health nurses take when they encounter vulnerable children? As i am not sure of the interventions to take what and polices to refer to.

I was given the following scenario to answer:

I am a primary nurse of a 13 year old child on an acute mental health unit. I have only been working with this child for 3 day(since his admission) when i notice a large bruise on the back of his leg. I ask him how he got the bruise and he just shrugs his shoulders in response. How can i safe guard and ensure the safety of this child. What should i do?

What do you think is the absolute first thing you should do?

(To quote GrnTea and Esme we are happy to help with homework but give us your input first and we can build off it!)

My friend was asked this for for a rmn job interview. I have no experience of dealing with safeguarding issues. However i think i would do the following:

-i would not jump to conclusions

-1:1 with the child to find out about the origins of the bruises. Dont ask leading questions

-Seek medical assistance

-report to senior nurse


-risk assessment(look at child's history)

-inform parents

-if bruises are the result of harm inform child protection, social worker, police and ward manager.

I am on the right track

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