Published Feb 19, 2012
22 Posts
I am giving subcutaneous home injections of Epogen my mom every 2 wks in the back of the arm. I know this med can cause bruising. The last one I gave left a softball sized deep purple bruise I don't want to do this to any of my patients, but let alone my mom. I gave the med once in nursing school and I remember my preceptor saying there was a trick to not bruise. I can't for the life of me remember why this is. I am a new nurse and haven't even started my job. Any help is appreciated!!Oh and as an FYI I am giving one ml in the back of her arm
297 Posts
We give epo pretty regularly in the NICU and I'm not aware of a bruising problem.
Reviewing these two websites, it doesn't look like bruising at the site is much of an issue, although blood clot formation is. Epogen consumer information from and Epoetin Alfa Injection: MedlinePlus Drug Information
I suggest phoning your mom's doctor's office and talking to them about it.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Giving epo subq should not cause bruising.
Please contact your Mom's provider.
Closing as we can't provide this info.