Published Apr 30, 2019
Naturally Brilliant, BSN, RN
167 Posts
I'm a Texan in NP school, and since my state isn't a full-practice authority state, I understand that NPs here have to basically get a "delegation" (not really a delegation) from a Texas physician in order to prescribe medications, and also do quality improvement projects and meet with the doc once a month for 3 years. Sorry if I'm a bit iffy on the details. How does the process work out? Do you have to pay money out of your own pocket for it?
1,487 Posts
I am in NY, which used to require similar nonsense. The answer was that the employer was supposed to arrange the q 3 month chart reviews, which did not have to be in person in NY.
But yes, a physician was required to be on record with the state, as your collaborator, even if that person had zero interest in your practice and was essentially forced to sign the contract.
I never had to pay any money, but at times, it did require unpaid and nonproductive time.
You might get really lucky and get a good collaborator. Over the years, I had a couple of decent ones.
And a really bad one.
When you are hired you should ask a ton of questions.